magistrsko delo


Nove izzive držav blaginje se pogosto opredeljuje z aktualnim konceptom socialne izključenosti. Naslavljanje socialne izključenosti preko socialnih politik je povezano z blaginjskim režimom držav. V nalogi je uporabljena Esping-Andersenova tipologija, ki države razvršča v liberalni, konservativno-korporativistični oziroma socialdemokratski režim na podlagi temeljnih principov: principa preverjene potrebe, principa zaslužnosti in principa univerzalnosti. Raziskovalno vprašanje o razlikah med državami v politikah, ki naslavljajo socialno izključenost, in v vrednostnih poudarkih dokumentov, ki jo naslavljajo, je konkretizirano preko treh hipotez, ki preverjajo prisotnost neoliberalnih trendov, evropeizacije in pojavnosti navedenih principov v dokumentih držav. V teoretičnem delu konceptualiziram socialno izključenost in državo blaginje, nato pa se posvetim analizi spremenljivk ESS in dokumentom držav v okviru evropskega semestra in sheme Jamstvo za mlade. Na podlagi slednjih kritično ovrednotim pristope Švedske, Nemčije in Združenega kraljestva, največji doprinos naloge pa predstavlja analiza Slovenije. Ugotavljam, da se principi po teoriji ujemajo s principi, opaženimi v empiričnem delu. Države so v splošnem bolj kot na socialne osredotočene na ekonomske vidike socialne izključenosti. Opazimo določeno stopnjo evropeizacije, ki se dobro kaže tako v večjem poudarjanju aktivnih politik zaposlovanja in paradigme socialnega investiranja kot paradigme socialne varnosti, pa tudi v osredotočenosti na iste ranljive skupine. Posebej zanimivi so neoliberalni trendi, ki jih gre zaznati v vseh državah, vendar z različnimi intenzitetami in argumentacijami.


država blaginje;socialna izključenost;blaginjski režim;socialna politika;evropeizacija;Država blaginje;Socialna politika;Družbena izključenost;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [T. Rupar]
UDC: 316.323.65(043.2)
COBISS: 17735171 Link will open in a new window
Views: 420
Downloads: 179
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of welfare states in addressing social exclusion
Secondary abstract: New challenges of welfare states are often defined through the topical concept of social exclusion. Addressing social exclusion through social policies is related to a countryʼs welfare regime. This paper uses Esping-Andersenʼs typology, which divides countriesʼ regimes into liberal, conservative and social democratic, based on which of the main principles they use: the principle of need (means-tested), the principle of merit, and the principle of universality. The research question focuses on the differences among countries in their policies addressing social exclusion and in the values underlying the documents addressing social exclusion. This is actualised through three hypotheses testing the presence of neoliberal trends, Europeanisation and the three mentioned principles in the analysed countriesʼ documents. The theoretical part conceptualises social exclusion and welfare state, and the empirical part features an analysis of ESS variables and the countriesʼ documents created as a part of the European Semester and Youth Guarantee. Based on these, the approaches of Sweden, Germany and United Kingdom are critically evaluated, but the main contribution is an analysis of Sloveniaʼs approach. The theoretical principles are very much reflected in empirical examples. In general, countries are more focused on economic aspects of social exclusion than social ones. Europeanisation is noticeable to a certain extent, especially in emphasising active employment policies and the paradigm of social investment instead of social security, but also in the focus on the same vulnerable groups. Especially interesting are the neoliberal trends that were found in all of the analysed countries, although with different intensity and argumentation.
Secondary keywords: welfare state;social exclusion;welfare regime;social policy;Europeanisation;Welfare state;Social policy;Social exclusion;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 79 str.
ID: 11551943
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