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Tomaž Vernik (Author), Helena Grčman (Mentor), Borut Vrščaj (Co-mentor)


Pregledali smo sisteme zajema podatkov tal, ki namensko ali posredno zagotavljajo podatke o vsebnosti talne organske snovi (TOS). Zbrali in opisali smo nacionalne sisteme Avstrije, Nemčije, Poljske, Velike Britanije in ZDA. Ločeno smo naredili pregled obstoječih sistemov monitoringa gozdnih tal, KRT in ROTS v Sloveniji ter glede na informacije o rabi in razpoložljivost podatkov statistično primerjali tri sisteme znotraj štirih testnih območji. Pregledali in opisali smo glavne usmeritve ter priporočila EU, pregledali znanstvene objave s področja organiziranega monitoringa tal ter vključili rezultate nekaterih nacionalnih in mednarodnih projektov. V primeru Poljske, Velike Britanije in ZDA smo uporabili tudi osebne izkušnje izvajalcev posameznih shem ter upoštevali njihova priporočila. Ugotovili in potrdili smo domnevo, da v Sloveniji obstajajo velike razlike v metodologijah posameznih sistemov spremljanja talnih parametrov. V kontekstu smernic ter dobrih praks iz tujine smo podali sklep, da so obstoječi sistemi v Sloveniji za potrebe spremljanja vsebnosti TOS neprimerni in da Slovenija potrebuje enoten monitoring kmetijskih tal. Izpostavili so tudi dobre prakse iz tujine ter jih na podlagi primernosti za Slovenijo tudi komentirali. Kot rezultat smo podali priporočila za vzpostavitev monitoringa TOS v kmetijskih tleh Slovenije. Opredelili smo prostorsko zasnovo monitoringa, razporeditev podvzorčnih mest, priporočili globine vzorčenja in protokol popisa na lokaciji ter podali protokol vzorčenja ter nabor analiz in analitskih standardov.


tla;organska snov;vsebnost ogljika;monitoring;nacionalni program spremljanja;obdelava podatkov;vzorci tal;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [T. Vernik]
UDC: 631.42/.45(043)=163.6
COBISS: 813943 Link will open in a new window
Views: 526
Downloads: 135
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Monitoring of soil organic matter in agricultural soil of Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Study reviewed the existing soil monitoring systems which focus or indirectly provide soil organic matter content (SOM) data. According to the accessible information and publications national systems of Austria, Germany, Poland, Great Britain and the USA were selected and described. Additionally the existing systems in Slovenia were reviewed and according to land use information and accessibility of data three were statistically compared within four test areas. EU guidelines and scientific publications on topic of organised soil monitoring were reviewed and results of several national and international projects acknowledged. Study also included personal experience and recommendations of the involved in the schemes in Poland, Great Britain and USA. Study concludes and confirms the hypothesis of large discrepancies in methodology of soil monitoring systems in Slovenia. In context best practice guidelines, study suggests that the existing soil monitoring systems in Slovenia are inappropriate for SOM monitoring and that Slovenia needs an organised national scheme for agricultural soils. Through the analysis of foreign systems, we highlighted good practice examples and their suitability for Slovenia. As a result study gives recommendations for the establishment of TOS monitoring in agricultural soils of Slovenia. It defines spatial design, distribution of sub-sampling points, sampling depths, site description and gives a strict sampling protocol and mandatory set of analysis and analytical standards.
Secondary keywords: soil;organic matter;carbon content;monitoring;national scheme;data processing;soil samples;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: XI, 67 str., [4] f. pril.
ID: 11582803