magistrsko delo
Maja Haler (Author), Alenka Gaberščik (Mentor)


Z raziskavo se je ugotavljalo pojavljanje, razporeditev in pogostost invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst v obrežnem pasu desnega brega reke Sotle. Iskale so se povezave med okoljskimi dejavniki in pojavljanjem invazivnih tujerodnih vrst. V rastni sezoni leta 2008 se je vzdolž vodotoka določilo 86 odsekov, dolžine 100 metrov, in na odsekih ocenilo stanje obrežnega pasu in zaledja, popisane so bile invazivne tujerodne vrste vzdolž reke Sotle ter določene njihove fenološke faze, sociološke ocene in njihovo pojavljanje glede na del obrežnega pasu. Popis pojavnosti, razporeditve in pogostosti je bil ponovljen v avgustu leta 2012 na 17 odsekih. V večini popisanih odsekov reke Sotle je bilo zabeleženo dobro okoljsko stanje obrežnega pasu. Slabše stanje je bilo zabeleženo v srednjem in spodnjem toku, kar je v večini posledica rabe tal v zaledju in širine obrežne vegetacije. Posamezni odseki vzdolž struge so bili v zelo ugodnem stanju, tu ni bilo zabeleženih večjih posegov v strugo in obrežno vegetacijo. Popisanih je bilo 13 invazivnih tujerodnih vrst, najbolj pogosto zastopane vrste so bile Echinocystis lobata, Solidago gigantea, Robinia pseudacacia, Helianthus tuberosus in Impatiens glandulifera. Največ variabilnosti v združbi invazivk se je pojasnilo z višino obrežne vegetacije. Variabilnost je bila značilno povezana tudi z globino struge, spremembo struge in rabo tal v zaledju. Leta 2012 se je, v primerjavi z letom 2008, pojavnost invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst na izbranih odsekih nekoliko povečala, popisani sta bili celo dve vrsti - Spiraea japonica in Ailanthus altissima, ki v letu 2008 nista bili prisotni.


tujerodne rastline;invazivne rastline;antropogene motnje;obrežni pas;reke;Sotla;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Haler]
UDC: 581.524.2(497.4Sotla)(043.3)
COBISS: 780407 Link will open in a new window
Views: 364
Downloads: 127
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Distribution and abundance of alien invasive plant species in relation to the disturbances in riparian zone of the river Sotla
Secondary abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the presence, distribution and abundance of alien invasive plants in the riparian zone along the right bank of the river Sotla. Of interest were also the effects of environmental factorson the occurence of invasive species. In the 2008 growing season water course was divided into 86 sections of 100 m length. The condition of riparian zone and hinterland was estimated, the invasive species along the river Sotla were surveyed, their phenological phases were identified and their phytosociological classes and occurence in diferent parts of the water course were determined. In august 2012 the inventory on 17 random selected sites was repeated, this time, only the occurence, frequency and distribution of alien invasive plants. In most of the sections the condition of riparian zone and hinterland was good. Poor condition was recorded in the middle and lower river course, which is a result of land use patterns beyond riparian zone and width of riparian vegetation. The state of some individual sections was deemed as very good, where no major changes were recorded in river channel and riparian vegetation. 13 alien invasive species were identified. The most frequent species indentified were Echinocystis lobata, Solidago gigantea, Robinia pseudacacia, Helianthus tuberosus and Impatiens glandulifera. Variability among invader groups can in most cases be explained by the height of riparian vegetation. Also, significant share of variability can be explained by stream depth, changes in channel structure and land-use pattern beyond the riparian zone. Comparison of selected sections between the years 2008 and 2012 showed that the occurence of alien invasive plants was higher in 2012, even two new alien invasive species - Spiraea japonica and Ailanthus altissima were found and indentified.
Secondary keywords: alien plants;invasive plants;anthropogenic disturbances;riparian zone;rivers;Sotla;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: XI, 97 str., [10] str. pril.
ID: 11582810