doktorska disertacija
Dejan Firm (Author), Jurij Diaci (Mentor)


V raziskavi smo proučevali potek sukcesije v altimontanskih mešanih in subalpinskih macesnovih gozdovih v slovenskih Alpah, s poudarkom na pojasnjevanju ekoloških mehanizmov, ki omogočajo uveljavitev macesna (Larix decidua Mill.). Potek gozdnih sukcesij smo ovrednotili s kombinacijo metodoloških pristopov (dendroekološke analize, analize zgodovinskih virov, zgradbe sestojev, mortalitete in vrasti drevesnih vrst ter analize vzorcev pomlajevanja). Raziskava je pokazala, da so imele pomemben vpliv na razvojno dinamiko proučevanih sestojev motnje v preteklosti. V altimontanskih mešanih gozdovih, ki so bili podvrženi naravnim (vetrolom) oz. antropogenim (sečnja) motnjam srednjih jakosti, je ponovna vzpostavitev sestojev potekala na dva vzporedna načina. Odmrtje dreves v strehi sestoja je povzročilo sprostitev podstojnih dreves in obstoječega pomladka sencovzdržnejših vrst (npr. bukve; Fagus sylvatica L.), ki so uspešno prerasle in tvorijo streho trenutnega sestoja. Obenem so motnje omogočile uspešno vrast novih osebkov, tudi svetloljubnih vrst (npr. macesen). V teh gozdovih je v preteklih nekaj desetletjih prevladovala endogena mortaliteta, ki je bila posledica kompeticije za svetlobo. Najvišja stopnja mortalitete je bila ugotovljena v populaciji podstojnih dreves (> 4 % leto-1), medtem ko je bila mortaliteta v strehi sestoja praviloma izredno nizka (< 1 % leto-1), prav tako tudi vrast. Prisotnost macesna v teh gozdovih je odvisna od režima motenj in zgradbe sestoja ob pojavu motnje. Proučevani subalpinski gozdovi so nastali na površinah, ki so bile v preteklosti s požiganjem izkrčene za potrebe pašništva. Glavno vlogo pri rekolonizaciji teh površin je imel macesen, sledila mu je smreka (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Analize preteklega razvoja so pokazale, da je, kljub vplivom znotraj in medvrstne kompeticije, hitrost sukcesijskih sprememb majhna (nizka stopnja mortalitete macesna in nizka stopnja vrasti smreke). Čeprav smo v gozdovih opazili postopno povečevanje deleža smreke (druge poznosukcesijske vrste so bile maloštevilne), zbrani dokazi nakazujejo, da bodo trenutni sukcesijski stadiji izrazito dolgotrajni (> 200 let). K stabilnemu sobivanju macesna in smreke v prihodnosti, bi poleg novih motenj in skrajnostnih naravnih razmer, lahko pomembno prispevale tudi medvrstne razlike v življenjski strategiji in ekologiji pomlajevanja.


gozdna sukcesija;evropski macesen;Larix decidua;gorski gozdovi;Alpe;Slovenija;sobivanje;motnje;dendroekologija;življenjska strategija;disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [D. Firm]
UDC: 630*228:582.47Larix decidua Mill.:581.524(497.4)(043.3)=163.6
COBISS: 872823 Link will open in a new window
Views: 575
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Forest succession and ecology of the European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) in the Slovenian Alps
Secondary abstract: This research focused on successional pathways in mixed upper montane and subalpine larch dominated forests in the Slovenian Alps, with an emphasis on the ecological mechanisms that enable recruitment and persistence of larch (Larix decidua Mill.). The pathways and rates of forest succession were studied with a combination of methodological approaches (i.e. dendroecology, historical records, stand structure, tree demography, and regeneration patterns). Past disturbances had a significant effect on the successional dynamics in the studied stands. Post-disturbance recovery in the mixed mountain stands that were affected by an intermediate severity disturbance (i.e. windthrow or logging) was dominated by two different recovery processes. Partial destruction of the canopy resulted in release of advance regeneration of shade tolerant species (e.g. Fagus sylvatica L.), but also allowed successful recruitment of shade intolerant species (e.g. larch). More recent stand dynamics were driven by endogenous mortality, which was mainly the result of competition for light. The highest mortality rates were documented in the population of the understory trees (> 4 % yr-1), whereas mortality of canopy trees was generally very low (< 1 % yr-1). Recruitment rates were also extremely low. Establishment and successful recruitment of larch in these mixed forest types depends on the disturbance regime and particularly on the stand structural characteristics at the time of the disturbance event. The larch dominated stands in this study developed on sites that were cleared and burned for grazing purposes in the past. The initial re-colonization process was dominated by larch, followed by spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), approximately 50 years later. The documented rates of successional change in the recent period were low, despite the effects of intra and interspecific competition, which is a result of an extremely low mortality rate in the larch population and a low recruitment rate of spruce. A gradual increase of the spruce population was observed (other late-successional species were scarce), yet the results also indicate that the current successional stage will probably be very persistent (> 200 yrs). Coexistence of larch and spruce during future forest development could either be facilitated by disturbance and unfavorable natural conditions, or also by differences in life history characteristics and by regeneration niche partitioning.
Secondary keywords: forest succession;European larch;Larix decidua;mountain forest;Alps;Slovenia;coexistence;disturbance;dendroecology;life strategies;
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: XII f., 154 str.
ID: 11587426