magistrsko delo
Polona Stergar (Author), Jožica Čeh Steger (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni odnosi umetnikov do tujine in domovine v treh romanih Ivana Cankarja: Tujci (1902), Križ na gori (1904) in Novo življenje (1908) ter v dveh romanih Vladimirja Levstika: Zapiski Tine Gramontove (1919) in Sphinx patria (1910). V izbranih romanih se odražajo avtobiografske prvine pisateljev in kulturnozgodovinske okoliščine časa v slovenski družbi na prelomu iz 19. v 20. stoletje. Liki umetnikov se v izbranih romanih pojavljajo kot protagonisti, deloma tudi kot stranske literarne osebe. Glavne osebe so likovni umetniki (slikarji, kiparji), kot stranske osebe se pojavljajo tudi pisatelji, arhitekti in glasbeniki. Vsi so posebneži, drugačni od večinske družbe, nerazumljeni in prisiljeni, da zapustijo domovino, saj jim ta ne more nuditi pogojev za njihovo umetniško delovanje. Vsem umetnikom je skupna izkušnja tujine. Kipar Pavle Slivar v romanu Tujci zapušča domovino in se seli na Dunaj, slikar Mate Kovač v romanu Križ na gori prav tako odide od doma na tuje (kraj podrobneje v romanu ni naveden). Kiparja Antona Grivarja iz romana Novo življenje spremljamo v domovini, ko se vrne z Dunaja, v domovino se vrne tudi slikar Marjan Andrej iz romana Sphinx patria, ki je živel in ustvarjal v Parizu. Na Slovensko se vrne slikar Pavle Gorjanc iz romana Zapiski Tine Gramontove, ki je dolgo časa živel v Italiji in Franciji. V Italijo odide dvakrat, a se obakrat vrne domov. Pri analizi tujosti se opiram na Ortfrieda Schäfterja, ki razlikuje štiri koncepte tujosti: tuje kot resonančni prostor domačega, tuje kot nasprotje domačega, tuje kot dopolnitev domačega in tuje kot komplementarnost. Izkazalo se je, da se v romanih pojavljajo predvsem prvi trije omenjeni koncepti. Odnos umetnikov do tujine in domovine je pri vseh kompleksen. Cankarjevi umetniki, Pavle Slivar, Mate Kovač in Anton Grivar, so nad tujino razočarani, saj v njej ne morejo uspeti. So izrazito lastno odtujeni, zato se pri njih pojavljata še dva koncepta tujosti/drugosti: tuje kot potlačeno lastno in smrt kot skrajno tuje. V tujini hrepenijo po domu, ko so v svoji domovini, pa se jim le-ta zdi tuja in hladna. Do domovine čutijo ambivalentna čustva - ljubezen in obenem sovraštvo. Levstikovi umetniki so uspešnejši v svojem poklicu in družbenem življenju. V tujini si nabirajo izkušnje, ki jih kasneje izkoristijo doma. Do domovine gojijo izrazito pozitivna čustva. Vsi umetniki, Cankarjevi in Levstikovi, ugotovijo, da je samo domovina kraj, kjer je njihov pravi dom, po katerem hrepenijo.


magistrska dela;moderna;roman;Ivan Cankar;Vladimir Levstik;lik umetnika;koncepti tujosti/drugosti;stereotip;Cankar;Ivan;1876-1918;Levstik;Vladimir;1886-1957;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [P. Stergar]
UDC: 821.163.6.09(043.2)
COBISS: 18254851 Link will open in a new window
Views: 493
Downloads: 82
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Concepts of foreigness/otherness in relation to the figure of the artist in selected novels by Ivan Cankar and Vladimir Levstik
Secondary abstract: The Master's thesis presents the relationship of artists to foreign countries and the homeland in three novels by Ivan Cankar: Tujci (1902), Križ na Gori (1904) and Novo življenje (1908); and two novels by Vladimir Levstik: Zapiski Tine Gramontove (1919) and Sphinx patria (1910). The selected novels reflect the autobiographical elements of the writers and the culturohistorical situation of the Slovenian society at the turn of the 20th century. The artist figures in these five novels appear as protagonists, partly as side-characters. The main characters are fine artists (painters, sculptors), with writers, architects and musicians appearing as side-characters. They are all eccentric, different from the majority of society, misunderstood and forced to leave their homeland, as the latter cannot provide them with adequate conditions for their artistic work. All the artists have a common experience of living abroad. The sculptor Pavle Slivar in the novel Tujci is leaving the homeland and moving to Vienna; the painter Mate Kovač in the novel Križ na gori also leaves home to go abroad (the place is not specified in the novel). We observe the sculptor Anton Grivar from the novel Novo življenje in the homeland, as he returns from Vienna; the painter Marjan Andrej of the novel Sphinx patria, who lived and worked in Paris, also returns to the homeland. The painter Pavle Gorjanc from the novel Zapiski Tine Gramontove, who for a long time had lived in Italy and France, returns to Slovenia. He leaves for Italy twice, but returns home both times. In the analysis of foreignness, I am leaning on Ortfried Schäffter who distinguishes four concepts of foreignness: foreignness as sounding board of a "sphere of selfhood", foreignness as counter-image, foreignness as supplement and foreignness as complementarity. It was found that especially the first three concepts appear in the novels. The relationship of the artists to the foreign country and their homeland is complex in all five novels. Cankar's artists, Pavle Slivar, Mate Kovač and Anton Grivar, are disappointed in the foreign land since they cannot succeed there. They are distinctly self-alienated, and therefore two other concepts of foreignness/otherness become apparent looking at them: foreignness as the suppressed self and death as the ultimately foreign. When abroad, they crave their homeland; when in their homeland, the latter seems foreign and cold. They have ambivalent feelings for the homeland - love and hate at the same time. Levstik's artists are more successful in their professional and social life. Abroad, they accumulate experiences that are later applied at home. They feel very positive about the homeland. All the artists, Cankar's and Levstik's, find that only the homeland is the real home that they yearn for.
Secondary keywords: master theses;modernity;novel;Ivan Cankar;Vladimir Levstik;artist figure;concepts of foreigness;stereotype;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: XII f., 98 str.
ID: 11598364