magistrsko delo
Eva Gider (Author), Darko Goričanec (Mentor), Danijela Doberšek (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo prikazuje izrabo odvečnih toplotnih tokov za proizvodnjo energije. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo pregledali literaturo s področja obnovljive rabe energije, osredotočili smo se na odvečno toploto v sežigalnicah odpadkov. Dimni plini, ki nastajajo v sežigalnicah nosijo velik potencial za izkoriščanje toplote. Predstavljena je zasnova celotne sežigalnice, ter princip delovanja. Sežigalnice odpakov so zgrajene iz večih delov, osrednji del predstavlja HRSG enota. HRSG kotel je zgrajen iz večih delov, zato je predstavljal velik izziv za simulacijo. Eksperimentalni del magistrske naloge smo izvedli v simulatorju Aspen Plus. Izvedli smo 3 simulacije. Najprej smo simulirali sežigalnico z dvema turbinama, kjer smo proizvajali visokotlačno in nizkotlačno paro. Primerjali smo, kako vpliva pretok pare v turbino na njeno moč. Ugotovili smo, da večji pretok pare v turbino daje večjo moč turbine. Prav tako smo spreminjali vhodni tlak, ter ugotovili da para pri višjem tlaku daje večje moči turbine. Para v turbino je bila vedno pregreta, saj smo se tako izognili kondenzaciji na turbini. V sežigalnici z dvema turbinama smo imeli navadne turbine, ki kondenzacije ne omogočajo. Ker pa se v zadnjem času na tržišču pojavljajo inovativne kondenzacijske turbine, smo to možnost preizkusili v simulaciji sežigalnice z eno turbino. Ugotovili smo, da daje kondenzacijska turbina veliko višje izkoristke, ter da so vstopni tlaki v turbino lahko zelo visoki. Nazadnje smo simulirali še toplotno črpalko, v katero smo uvajali nizkotemperaturne toplotne tokove. Ugotovili smo, da je lahko delovanje sežigalnice z vsemi omenjenimi enotami energetsko visoko učinkovito.


sežigalnice dimnih plinov;proizvodnja energije;izkoriščanje odpadne toplote;toplotna črpalka;nizkotemperaturni toplotni tokovi;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [E. Gider]
UDC: 662.994.012.3(043.2)
COBISS: 19691011 Link will open in a new window
Views: 621
Downloads: 138
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Exploitation of excess low-temperature heat flows for energy production
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis shows the utilization of excess heat flows for energy production. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis we reviewed the literature with the currently renewed energy of use, focusing on uniform heat in waste incineration plants. The flue gases generated by incinerators carry great potential for heat release. It was presented on the basis of all incinerators, and the principle of operation. The waste incinerators are constructed from larger parts, the central part being the HRSG unit. The HRSG boiler is built from large parts, so it presented great challenges for simulation. The experimental part of the master's thesis was performed in the Aspen Plus simulator. We performed 3 simulations. First, we simulated an incinerator with two turbines producing high and low steam. We compared how they influenced the flow in the turbine to its power. We found that the flow of steam into the turbine could give more power to the turbine. We also replaced the inlet pressure and prepared to give the turbine power at higher pressure. The steam in the turbine was always overheated, as this avoided condensation on the turbines. In a twin-turbine incinerator, we may be ordinary turbines that do not require condensation. However, since an innovative condensing turbine has recently been displayed on the market, we were able to test it in a single-turbine incinerator simulation. We have found that the condensation turbine gives a much higher efficiency, and thus the pressures into the turbine can be very high. Finally, we simulated a heat pump that introduced low-temperature heat fluxes. We have found that we can run incinerators with all of the above mentioned high quality energy units.
Secondary keywords: flue gas incinerators;HRSG;energy production;waste heat recovery;heat pump;low temperature heat flows;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 48 str.
ID: 11621443