magistrsko delo
Tamara Duh (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Podjetja morajo za svoj obstoj in konkurenčnost uporabljati vedno nove tehnike, kako se približati kupcu in mu olajšati nakupne odločitve. Ker je razvoj interneta in uporabe novih digitalnih medijev v porastu, se morajo podjetja truditi, da sledijo novim trendom in da te digitalne medije tudi uporabljajo. Spletne trgovine se morajo zato truditi, da lahko njihove stranke dostopajo do njih preko različnih medijev. Na drugi strani pa tudi, da lahko spletne trgovine oglašujejo in opozarjajo na svoj obstoj preko različnih kanalov. Spletne trgovine morajo skrbeti za dobro optimizacijo svojih spletnih strani, saj lahko le zgolj s tem pripomorejo k uvajanju različnih rešitev digitalnega marketinga. Spletne trgovine se med seboj lahko zelo razlikujejo, zato se je treba seznaniti z njihovimi osnovnimi značilnostmi in s prednostmi ter slabostmi, ki jih lahko za seboj prinesejo. Hkrati na to je treba navezati ključne dejavnike, ki so potrebni za uspešnost določene spletne trgovine in ugotoviti, kako se to odraža na področju različnih rešitev digitalnega marketinga. V magistrskem delu smo se seznanili z osnovnimi značilnostmi spletnih trgovin in z rešitvami digitalnega marketinga, ki ga podjetja lahko uporabljajo za promocijo svojih izdelkov in za opozarjanje na svoj obstoj. Hkrati pa smo v praktičnem delu na treh različnih spletnih trgovinah ugotavljali, katere rešitve digitalnega marketinga uporabljajo za doseganje svojih kupcev ter katere so morebitne rešitve, da bi svoje izdelke lahko bolje predstavili svojim strankam.


digitalni marketing;spletna trgovina;oglaševanje;uspešnost;rešitve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Duh]
UDC: 004.77:339.13
COBISS: 25690627 Link will open in a new window
Views: 598
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Digital marketing solutions as part of a successful online store business
Secondary abstract: Companies must always use new techniques for their existence and competitiveness for how to approach the buyer and facilitate buying decisions. Because the development of the Internet and the use of new digital media are rising, companies must strive to follow the new trends and use these digital media. Online shops must therefore strive for their customers to access them through various media. On the other hand, online stores can advertise and point out their existence through different channels. Online shops need to ensure that their websites are optimized, as they can only contribute to the introduction of various digital marketing solutions. Online shops can be very different, so you need to be acquainted with their basic characteristics and on the other hand with the advantages and disadvantages that they can bring for themselves. At the same time, it is necessary to link the key factors that are needed for the success of a particular online store and how this is reflected in various digital marketing solutions. In the master’s thesis, we became acquainted with the basic characteristics of online store and the digital marketing solutions that companies use to promote their products and to draw attention to their existence. At the same time in the practical work of three different online stores, we identified which digital marketing solutions are used to reach their customers and what are the possible solutions in order to better present their products to their customers.
Secondary keywords: online store;digital marketing solutions;digital marketing;online shopping;advertising;key performance factors of online store;digital marketing dimensions;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 93 str.
ID: 11629663
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