Predmet diplomskega dela zajema analizo stresne ogroženosti v izbrani enoti Centra za socialno delo Ljubljana. Tako organizacija kot tudi zaposleni si velikokrat zastavljajo previsoke cilje, kar povzroča nevzdržen stres, to pa je nevarno za zdravje ljudi. Na kakšen način bo posameznik občutil stres, je odvisno od njegove fizične in psihične pripravljenosti.
Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti področje stresa in s pomočjo raziskave ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je stres prisoten med zaposlenimi v izbrani organizaciji. Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela so bile uporabljene različne metode dela. Za pripravo teoretičnega dela je bila uporabljena metoda študije domače in tuje literature ter virov s področja stresa, njegovih vzrokov in posledic ter obvladovanje stresa na osebni in organizacijski ravni. Za pripravo raziskovalnega dela pa je bila uporabljena metoda anketiranja.
Raziskava je pokazala, da so zaposleni v izbrani enoti Centra za socialno delo Ljubljana – Šiška v povprečju pod hudim stresom. Glede na rezultate so stresu enako izpostavljeni vsi zaposleni, ne glede na spol, starost, izobrazbo in čas zaposlitve v organizaciji.
Organizacija naj za svoje zaposlene organizira predavanja in delavnice za pomoč pri obvladovanju stresa na delovnem mestu, prav tako pa naj zaposlenim, ki imajo visoko stopnjo stresne ogroženosti, nudi pomoč pri odkrivanju vzrokov za nastanek stresa in predloge za izboljšave. Poleg tega naj organizacija svoje zaposlene spodbuja k telesni aktivnosti ali sprostitvenim tehnikam, s katerimi bodo pripomogli k zmanjšanju stresne ogroženosti.
organizacijsko vzdušje;stres;zadovoljstvo;zaposleni;centri za socialno delo;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FU - Faculty of Administration |
Publisher: |
[T. Gorenc] |
UDC: |
35:331.3 |
Views: |
554 |
Downloads: |
220 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
This paper analyses stress endangerment in a selected unit of the Ljubljana Social Work Centre. Such an organisation as well as its employees often set goals that are too high, resulting in unbearable stress, which is dangerous to people’s health. The way in which an individual feels stress depends on their physical and mental fitness.
The aim of the paper was to examine the field of stress and conduct a research to determine to what extent the employees of the selected organisation suffer from stress. Different work methods were used in preparing this paper. The theoretical part uses the method of reviewing Slovenian and foreign literature, along with sources covering the field of stress, its causes and consequences as well as stress management on a personal and organisational level. On the other hand, surveying method was used in the empirical part.
The research showed that the employees of the selected unit of the Ljubljana Social Work Centre – Šiška are under severe stress. According to the results, all employees are equally subject to stress, regardless of their gender, age, education and length of service.
The organisation should organise for its employees different lectures and workshops providing help on managing stress at the workplace; moreover, it should provide help to the employees with a higher degree of stress endangerment in detecting the causes for stress and suggest improvements. The organisation should also encourage its employees to be physically active and use relaxation techniques, which could help reduce their stress endangerment. |
Secondary keywords: |
stress;employees;organisation;stress at the workplace;causes and consequences of stress;stress management;social work centre; |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Study programme: |
1000530 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Pages: |
IX, 45 str. str. |
ID: |
11683064 |