diplomsko delo
Zala Grdina (Author), Jožica Mesarič (Reviewer), Andreja Kvas (Mentor)


Uvod: Zdravstvena vzgoja je tesno povezana z ohranitvijo in krepitvijo zdravja in je kombinacija procesov učenja, ki jih načrtujemo zato, da okrepimo skupinsko in posamično obnašanje, ki vodi k zdravju. Medicinske sestre morajo imeti kot izvajalke zdravstvene vzgoje za uspešno in učinkovito izvajanje primerne kompetence; slednje namreč predstavljajo sposobnost uporabe znanj in drugih zmožnosti, ki so potrebne, da nekdo uspešno, učinkovito in v skladu s standardi delovne uspešnosti izvrši določeno nalogo. Kompetence s področja zdravstvene vzgoje, vzgoje za zdravje in promocije zdravja izvaja medicinska sestra z načrtovanim, sistematičnim, avtonomnim in predvsem odgovornim delom. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na osnovi pregleda literature predstaviti ključne kompetence medicinskih sester na področju zdravstvene vzgoje. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje znanstvene ter strokovne literature. Pregledali smo literaturo, ki je bila objavljena med letom 2004 in 2019. Po potrebi smo zadetke dodatno omejili: glede na pomembnost, prosto dostopnost do celotnega besedila, objavo v zadnjih 15 letih ter njihovo relevantnost. Rezultati: Primerjali smo tri kompetenčne modele s področja zdravstvene vzgoje. Bili smo pozorni na razlike v starosti nastanka kompetenčnih modelov, njihovo strukturo in vsebinsko podobnost. Opisali smo delfi študijo, ki si prizadeva za identifikacijo ključnih kompetenc izvajalcev zdravstvene vzgoje. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo na podobnost med kompetenčnimi modeli in na enotnost kompetenc v zdravstveni vzgoji med različnimi organizacijami. V Sloveniji takšnih modelov ni izdelanih, še najbolj se jim približa dokument Poklicne kompetence in aktivnosti izvajalcev v dejavnosti zdravstvene nege, napisan leta 2019. Odkrili smo, da obstaja pripomoček za merjenje kompetenc v praksi, ki preprečuje odstopanja v teoriji in praksi zdravstvene vzgoje. Za boljšo usposobljenost in učinkovitejše delo medicinskih sester na področju zdravstvene vzgoje predlagamo izdelavo natančnejših standardov, ki bi na tem področju pripomogli k izboljšavam.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;izvajalci zdravstvene vzgoje;zdravstvevzgojno delo;promocija zdravja;kompetenčni modeli;kompetentnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [Z. Grdina]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 15452931 Link will open in a new window
Views: 999
Downloads: 296
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nurses' competencies in health education
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Health education is closely linked with the health protection and improvement. It is a combination of learning processes which are planned in order to strengthen collective and individual behaviour that leads to health.As health education practitioners, nurses must have proper competence for successful and effective implementation. They represent the ability of using knowledge and other potentials that are necessary for someone to implement their task successfully, effectively and in accordance with the standards of work prosperity. Competence in health education, health development and health promotion areas are implemented by a nurse with appropriately designed, systematic, autonomous and most importantly, responsible work. Purpose: This diploma paper focuses primarily on examining of the literary sources and introducing key competence of nurses and in the field of health education. Methods: the primary method used in the paper is the descriptive method with an overview of domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature which was published between years 2004 and 2019. If necessary, we additionally limited data according to importance, free access to entire text, publication in the last 15 years and their relevance. Results: We compared three different competence models from the health education field. We were particularly considerate regarding age difference between origins, their structure and content resemblance. We have also described the delpfi study which strives for identification of the key competence of the health education operators.Discussion and conclusion: The results show similarity between the competence models and unity of the competence in health education among different organisations. There are no such models designed in Slovenia. Document of »Poklicne kompetence in aktivnosti izvajalcev v dejavnosti zdravstvene nege«, which was written in 2019, represents the closest approximation to the models used abroad. We discovered the existence of accessory for compentence measurement in practice, which is reasonable due to the deviations in theory and practice. We suggest the establishment of more precise standards, in order to provide better nurse qualification and work efficiency, which would contribute to the improvement in the field of health education.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;health promotion practitioners;health education protection;health promotion;competence models;competency;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 28 str.
ID: 11688441