diplomsko delo
Špela Hadler (Author), Cecilija Lebar (Reviewer), Nevenka Gričar (Mentor)


Uvod: Poznavanje delovnoterapevtskih konceptualnih modelov in pristopov je pomembno za obravnavo, saj nam omogočajo različne koncepte in vire kako obravnavo izvajati. Delovni terapevt načrtuje obravnavo preko opazovanja otroka, opazovanja njegovega okolja in interakcije med okoljem in otrokom. Prav tako opazuje, kako se je otrok sposoben spopadati in opravljati vsakodnevne naloge ter na podlagi tega uporabi primeren konceptualni model in pristop za kasnejšo obravnavo. Namen: Ugotoviti kateri konceptualni modeli in pristopi obravnave so v literaturi predstavljeni kot primerni za DT obravnavo otrok in mladostnikov ter kakšne so ugotovitve raziskav glede njihove primernosti in/ali učinkovitosti? Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bil izveden pregled literature. Vključitveni dejavniki, ki so bili uporabljeni so: članek predstavi uporabo enega ali več konceptualnih modelov ali pristopov v delovni terapiji na področju otrok in mladostnikov. predstavlja primere dobre prakse, članki so bili objavljeni v starostnem obdobju 10 let. Rezultati: Na podlagi izločitvenih in vključitvenih dejavnikov je bilo v analizo vključenih 15 raziskav od 73 najdenih člankov. Najdena je bila literatura, ki predstavlja uporabo konceptualnega pristopa CO-OP, senzorna integracija po Ayresovi, razvojno nevrološki pristop, OTSBC pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Razprava in zaključek: V Sloveniji je sicer na to tematiko spisanih zelo malo študij, zato ni ravno primerljiva v svetovnem merilu. Vseeno pa lahko ugotovimo, da se uporabljata predvsem pristop CO-OP in senzorna integracija po Ayresovi, ki sta po pregledu literature tudi učinkovita. Vsi najdeni pristopi in modeli so bili učinkoviti, vendar so se kljub vsemu pojavljale pomanjkljivosti, kot na primer pomanjkanje časa, neprimeren pristop za določeno diagnozo in podobno.


diplomska dela;delovna terapija;otroci s posebnimi potrebami;delovnoterapevtski pristopi;delovnoterapevtski modeli;delovnoterapevtske obravnave;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [Š. Hadler]
UDC: 615.851
COBISS: 15508227 Link will open in a new window
Views: 890
Downloads: 351
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conceptual models and approaches in occupational therapy treatment of children and youth
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Knowledge of different conceptual model and approaches in occupational therapy is important because it enables variety of concepts and sources for the occupational therapy session. Occupational therapist plans the therapy through the observation of the Child, of the environment and through the interaction of both. Occupational therapist also observes the child's capacity of everyday activities performance, based on those observations the decision of the most appropriate model or approach is made. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to understand which conceptual models and approaches in occupational therapy are in academic articles used for children and youth? What are the findings of the research regarding their cases in / or different? Methods: The method used in thesis is literature review. Inclusion criteria that were used in thesis were: one or more conceptual models or/and approaches were introduces in article, introduces ways of good practice, the article was not older than 10 years. Results: For the purpose of the thesis, 73 articles were read. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria 15 were used, with that articles we could determine the usefulness of conceptual models and approaches in practice. Conceptual model and approaches in child and adolescent occupational therapy that were used the most in treatment was approach CO-OP, Ayres sensory integration, neurodevelopmental approach and model OTSBC Discussion and conclusion:. In Slovenia, there is only few published research about this topic and that is the reason, why we cannot compare it on an international scale. Never the last our finding is the most used model in Slovenia is Ayres sensory integration and CO-OP, which are also the most efficient. All of the models and approaches were efficient, although there were issues such as lack of time, method not fit for the diagnosis and similar.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;occupational therapy;children with special needs;occupational therapy approaches;occupational therapy models;occupational therapy interventions;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za delovno terapijo
Pages: 28 str., [14] str. pril.
ID: 11688443