magistrsko delo
Petra Mlinarič (Author), Alenka Polak (Mentor)


Na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja učencev s posebnimi potrebami je sodelovanje specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov z učitelji že uveljavljena praksa, strokovna prizadevanja pa gredo s smeri sistematičnega spodbujanja in razvijanja timskega dela na tem področju. Timsko delo v vzgoji in izobraževanju ima številne prednosti tako za učence s posebnimi potrebami, za same strokovne delavce, pa tudi za vzgojno-izobraževalno inštitucijo. Teoretična spoznanja in raziskave predstavljajo timsko delo kot enega izmed dejavnikov, ki pomembno spodbuja profesionalni razvoj strokovnih delavcev, tudi specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov. V teoretičnih izhodiščih magistrskega dela predstavljamo nekatere faze in modele ter smernice za spodbujanje in razvijanje profesionalnega razvoja strokovnih delavcev. Opredeljujemo tudi dejavnike profesionalnega razvoja in kot enega od pomembnih dejavnikov posebej izpostavljamo timsko delo. Posebej predstavljamo oblike timskega dela specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov z učitelji ter njihov prispevek k profesionalnemu razvoju strokovnih delavcev. Za namene empiričnega dela smo z anketnim vprašalnikom za samo-percepcijo raziskali, kako po mnenju specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov njihovo timsko delo z učitelji prispeva k njihovemu profesionalnemu razvoju. Vzorec je vključeval 140 specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov iz celotne Slovenije, ki so zaposleni kot izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali in v kakšni meri specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi timsko delo z učitelji doživljajo kot dejavnik svojega profesionalnega razvoja. Rezultati empirične raziskave kažejo, da ima večina specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov s timskim delom z učitelji pozitivne izkušnje. Prav tako se jih večina tudi počuti dovolj kompetentne za timsko delo. Te kompetence pa so v glavnem pridobivali z lastnimi konkretnimi izkušnjami s timskim delom ter z izmenjavo tovrstnih izkušenj s kolegi. Po mnenju specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov na njihov profesionalni razvoj vplivajo procesi in odnosi pri timskem delu kot npr. zaupanje med člani tima, odprta in iskrena komunikacija v timu, pozitivna naravnanost članov tima ter občutki sprejetosti v timu. Procesi in dejavniki, ki so prisotni pri timskem delu, po mnenju anketiranih specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov, v največji meri vplivajo na pridobivanje novih izkušenj s timskim delom in tovrstnega znanja ter prispevajo k učinkovitosti oz. izboljšanju pedagoškega dela. Z rezultati raziskave želimo spodbuditi motiviranost specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov za timsko delo z učitelji ter njihovo skrb za lasten profesionalni razvoj.


timsko delo;profesionalni razvoj;dejavniki profesionalnega razvoja;specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi;učitelji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Mlinarič]
UDC: 376:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 16015875 Link will open in a new window
Views: 473
Downloads: 60
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Special education teachers' teamwork with primary education teachers as a factor contributing to their professional development
Secondary abstract: In the field of education of pupils with special needs, the cooperation of special education teachers with primary education teachers is already established practice, and professional efforts go towards systematically encouraging and developing teamwork in this field. Teamwork in education has many benefits for pupils with special needs, for professional workers themselves, as well as for educational institutions. Theoretical knowledge and research represent teamwork as one of the factors that significantly promotes the professional development of professional workers, including special education teachers. In the theoretical basis of the master's thesis we present some stages and models as well as guidelines for promoting and developing the professional development of professional workers. We also define the factors of professional development and highlight teamwork with its basic characteristics as one of the important factors. We emphasized the forms of teamwork of special education teachers with primary education teachers and their contribution to the professional development of professional workers. In the empirical part, the self-perception questionnaire explored how the teamwork of special education teachers with primary education teachers contributes to their own professional development. The sample included 140 special education teachers from all over Slovenia who are employed as providers of additional professional assistance. The aim of the research was to determine whether and to what extent special education teachers experience teamwork with primary education teachers as a factor in their own professional development. The results of the empirical research show that most special education teachers have a positive experience of teamwork with teachers. Most of them also feel competent enough for teamwork. These competences were mainly acquired through their own concrete experience in teamwork and through the exchange of experience with colleagues. At the discretion of special education teachers, their professional development is influenced by processes and relationships in teamwork, such as trust among team members, open and honest communication in the team, positive attitude of team members and feelings of acceptance in the team. According to the special education teachers surveyed, the processes and factors that are present in team work have the greatest influence on gaining experience with teamwork and this kind of knowledge, and contribute to the efficiency and improvement of pedagogical work. The results of the research aim to stimulate motivation of special education teachers for teamwork with primary education teachers and their care for their own professional development.
Secondary keywords: team teaching;special school teacher;timski pouk;specialni pedagog;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Pages: IV, 107 str.
ID: 11711320