magistrsko delo
Maruša Props (Author), Polona Šprajc (Mentor)


Zaključno delo se osredotoča na področje kompetenc in njihove vloge za razvoj kariere. V prvi vrsti je bil naš namen predstaviti področje na način, ki je zanimiv, in predstavlja uporabno vrednost za tiste, ki to področje že poznajo, in je ob tem razumljiv tudi za tiste, ki se s tem področjem do sedaj še niso pobližje spoznali. Kompetence vedno bolj pridobivajo veljavo; vedno večjo pozornost jim posvečajo organizacije in hkrati postajajo vedno bolj pomembne tudi za posameznika in njegov razvoj. V prvem delu, ki se je nanašal na teoretične osnove tega področja, smo predstavili nekaj osnovnih definicij kompetenc avtorjev, ki so se v preteklosti ukvarjali s preučevanjem področja kompetenc. Naredili smo krajši pregled razvoja in preučevanja kompetenc v času. Podrobno smo predstavili zgradbo kompetenc in njihove sestavne dele ter spoznali delitve kompetenc po ravneh, dimenzijah in področjih. V drugem delu teoretičnega dela naloge smo se usmerili v tisti bolj praktični vidik kompetenc iz smeri organizacije. Raziskali smo, kakšna je vloga kompetenc v kadrovskih procesih. Podrobneje smo predstavi management kompetenc in kompetenčne modele ter se v povezavi z izbranim naslovom zaključnega dela usmerili še v področje razvoja kompetenc in posledično razvoja kariere. Raziskovalni del naloge smo želeli zasnovati tako, da ne bi pridobili le podatkov, ki jih potrebujemo za analizo izbranega področja. Usmerili smo se predvsem v to, da anketni vprašalnik, ki smo ga zasnovali, predstavlja tudi uporabno vrednost za vsakega anketiranega. Želeli smo, da anketirancu rešen anketni vprašalnik predstavlja neke vrste kazalnik o tem, na kateri točki je njihova razvitost kompetenc. Hkrati jih rezultat ocenjenih kompetenc kaže, na področju katerih kompetenc in njihovega razvoja bi morali v prihodnje storiti več, saj lahko to predstavlja ključni pozitivni vpliv tudi na razvoj njihove kariere. Cilj zaključnega dela je bilo ugotoviti, ali se zaposleni zavedajo pomembnosti kompetenc in njihovega razvoja ter vpliva le-teh na razvoj njihove lastne kariere. V ta namen smo oblikovali seznam petnajstih najpomembnejših kompetenc, ki vplivajo na razvoj kariere. Anketirani so ocenjevali pomembnost, trenutno razvitost in potrebo po razvijanju izbranih kompetenc v prihodnje. Ugotovili smo, da se anketirani v povprečju zavedajo pomembnosti kompetenc ter njihovega vpliva na razvoj kariere. Povprečne ocene razvitosti kompetenc kažejo, da so kompetence pri posamezniku dobro razvite. Rezultati v raziskovalnem delu so nam pokazali tudi, katere kompetence so na preučevanem vzorcu anketiranih najbolj razvite.


karierni razvoj;zaposleni;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Props]
UDC: 005.9
COBISS: 20087043 Link will open in a new window
Views: 820
Downloads: 165
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Competence for career development
Secondary abstract: The master’s thesis focuses on the area of competencies and their roles for career development. First and foremost, we intended to present the field in an interesting way and of value to both those who already know the field and, at the same time, understandable to those who have not yet become more familiar with the field. Competencies are increasingly gaining ground with an increase of attention inside organizations and are, at the same time, becoming more and more important to the individual and his or her development. In the first part which deals with the theoretical foundations of this field, we presented some basic definitions of the competencies of authors who studied the field of competencies in the past. We made a brief overview of the development and the study of competencies over time. We presented the structure of competences and their components in detail and learned about the division of competencies by levels, dimensions, and fields. In the second part of the theoretical part of the thesis, we focused on the more practical aspect of competencies from the direction of an organization. We investigated the role of competencies in HR processes. We presented the competency management and competency models in more detail and, in connection with the selected title of the final work, we also focused on the field of competence development and, consequently, career development. We wanted to design the research part of the task in such a way that we would not only obtain the data we needed to analyze the selected area. We focused on the fact that the questionnaire we designed also represents useful value for each interviewee. We wanted the respondent's survey questionnaire to be a sort of indicator of at what point their competency development is. At the same time, the result of the assessed competencies shows them in the area of which competencies and their development they should do more in the future, as this can also have a key positive impact on the development of their careers. The final part aimed to find out whether the employees are aware of the importance of competencies and their development and the impact of these on the development of their careers. For this purpose, we have compiled a list of the fifteen the most important competencies that affect career development. Respondents assessed the importance, current development, and the need to develop their chosen competencies in the future. We found that, on average, respondents were aware of the importance of competencies and their impact on career development. Average assessments of competency development indicate that competencies are well-developed in the individual. The results in the research work also showed us which competencies are the most developed in the sample surveyed.
Secondary keywords: competence;career;development;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VII, 117 f.
ID: 11713804