diplomsko delo
Laura Presečnik (Author), Olga Denac (Mentor)


Kot vsa kurikularna področja je v otrokovem razvoju tudi glasba izrednega pomena. Zelo pomembno je, da so otroci v predšolskem in šolskem obdobju deležni veliko raznovrstnih glasbenih vsebin. Naloga vzgojiteljev je, da glasbeno znanje otrokom podajo na čim bolj zanimiv način, tako da jih področje pritegne, hkrati pa se ob tem veliko naučijo. Poleg petja, ki igra v vrtcu pomembno vlogo, lahko otrokom predstavimo različna glasbila in jih navdušimo, da bodo enkrat tudi sami izbrali svoje najljubše glasbilo in se začeli učiti igranja nanj. Menimo in hkrati povzemamo iz svojih izkušenj, da otrok ob učenju glasbila ali petja prične spoznavati in usvajati neko rutino, nauči se osredotočiti misli na eno stvar, nauči se tudi delovnih navad. Te aktivnosti po navadi sledijo kasneje, v šolskem obdobju. Tudi če se otroci ne odločijo za igranje določenega glasbila, pa imajo še vseeno v spominu shranjene informacije, ki so jih pridobili pri glasbenih dejavnostih v vrtcu. To znanje jim tako kot znanje na kakšnem drugem področju lahko pride prav v šolskem ali kasnejšem obdobju. V procesu diplomskega dela smo se osredotočili na to, da ugotovimo, kakšen je odziv in zanimanje otrok ob seznanjanju in doživljanju zvoka melodičnih glasbil ter ob ostalih glasbenih dejavnostih, ki smo jih načrtovali. Zanima nas, ali otroci prepoznajo predstavljeno glasbilo in posamezno zvrst glasbe, za katero je značilno določeno glasbilo, ter kako se izkažejo pri prepoznavanju zvočnih značilnosti glasbila (dinamika, višina, tempo, trajanje). Teoretični del zajema razlago glasbenih dejavnosti, kot so izvajanje glasbe, petje pesmi, poslušanje in ustvarjanje glasbe, ob tem so razložene tudi glasbene sposobnosti, spretnosti in znanja. Ob opisu teh dejavnosti so zapisane tudi splošne razvojne značilnosti otrok v drugem starostnem obdobju, pri razvoju katerih jim pomagamo in jih spodbudimo prav s temi glasbenimi dejavnostmi. Ker smo se v diplomskem delu osredotočili na predstavitev določenih glasbil, so v teoretičnem delu predstavljena prav ta glasbila, poleg tega pa so opisane tudi posamezne glasbene zvrsti, za katere so glasbila značilna. Ugotavljamo, da izvajanje glasbenih dejavnosti zelo vpliva pri razvoju predšolskega otroka, saj aktivnosti otrokom v vrtcu popestrijo dan, ob tem s ponavljanjem glasbenih vsebin pridobijo nova znanja, ki jih bodo lahko na področju glasbe v prihodnjih vrtčevskih in šolskih letih še nadgradili. Zato je pomembno, da podajamo glasbeno znanje z različnimi, raznovrstnimi dejavnostmi in otrokom omogočimo, da se srečujejo z njimi vsak dan.


diplomska dela;glasbene dejavnosti v vrtcu;izvajanje glasbe;glasbene zvrsti;melodična glasbila;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Presečnik]
UDC: 373.2:78(043.2)
COBISS: 23728643 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1046
Downloads: 271
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introducing melodic musical instruments in kindergarten
Secondary abstract: Like all curricular areas, music is of paramount importance in a child's development. It is very important that children have a wide variety of music content during their pre-school and school years. It is the educators' task to deliver musical knowledge to children in the most interesting way, so they engage in these areas, and learn a lot at the same time. In addition to singing, which plays an important role in kindergarten, we can introduce children to various instruments and motivate them to choose their favourite musical instrument and start learning how to play on it. We think, and at the same time, learn from our experience, that when learning a musical instrument or singing, a child begins to learn and acquire a routine, learns to focus his thoughts on one thing, and learns work habits. These activities are usually followed later in the school period. Even if the children do not choose to play a certain instrument, they still have the information they have acquired during their kindergarten music activities in their memory. This knowledge, as the knowledge of some other field, can come in handy in the school or in the later period. In the course of the diploma work we focused on finding out what is the response and interest of the children when learning and experiencing the sound of melodic instruments, and with other music activities that we planned. We are interested whether children recognize the presented musical instrument and the particular genres of music that is specific for a particular musical instrument, and how the children perform when recognizing the musical characteristics of the musical instrument (dynamics, height, tempo, duration). The theoretical part covers the interpretation of musical activities, such as performing music, song singing, listening to and making music, and the musical abilities, skills and knowledge are also explained. In describing these activities, we also noted the general developmental characteristics in the preschool period of the children, who we help and encourage with these musical activities. Since the diploma work focused on the presentation of certain musical instruments, the theoretical part presents these musical instruments, and also describes the particular musical genres that are specific for them. Our finding is that performing music activities has a great influence on the development of preschool children, as the activities brighten children's day in kindergarten, and by repeating the musical content, children gain new knowledge that they will be able to improve in the field of music in the next kindergarten and school years. That is why it is important to give musical knowledge through different, diverse activities and to enable children to meet them on a daily basis.
Secondary keywords: theses;musical activities in kindergarten;performing music;musical genres;melodic instruments;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: IX f., 85 str.
ID: 11721723
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