magistrsko delo
Marija Klavž (Author), Darja Zorc-Maver (Mentor)


V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela sem predstavila diskriminacijo in njene opredelitve različnih avtorjev. V nadaljevanju sem se posvetila stereotipom, s katerimi so povezana stališča in predsodki. Pomemben del sem namenila spolu ter razlikami med biološkim ter družbenim spolom in z njima povezanimi stereotipnimi predstavami o obeh spolih, spolnimi stereotipi. V teoretičnem delu sem se dotaknila izobraževanja, z njim povezanih učnih načrtov ter učnih gradiv. Učbeniki in ostala učna gradiva so pomemben del izobraževanja otrok in mladostnikov. Tako besedila kot slikovna gradiva jim posredujejo pomembne informacije in sporočila, med drugim tudi o (ne-)enakosti spolov in spolne stereotipe. Zato sem v empiričnem delu naredila analizo osnovnošolskih in srednješolskih učnih gradiv, kjer me je zanimala predstavitev spola v besedilih in slikovnem gradivu le-teh. V analizo sem skupno zajela deset učnih gradiv, tri med njimi so srednješolska, sedem pa jih je osnovnošolskih. Uporabila sem tri učna gradiva iz področja naravoslovja, tri učna gradiva iz področja družboslovja, ter po dve učni gradivi iz področja jezikoslovja ter umetnosti. Analizirala sem tako besedilo kot slikovno gradivo, uporabljeno v učnih gradivih. Kot izhodišče in temelj mi je služila Unescova raziskava Promoting Gender Equality Through Textbooks – A Methodological Guide iz leta 2009. Najprej me je zanimalo, katera oblika spola se v besedilih in slikovnem gradivu učnih gradiv pojavi večkrat, moška ali ženska. Nadalje sem se pri analizi osredotočila le na slikovno gradivo v osnovnošolskih učnih gradivih ter predstavitev spola v njih. V ta namen sem izoblikovala posebne kategorije, kamor sem uvrščala like glede na njihove dejavnosti in socialni položaj. Zanimivo je bilo primerjati tudi besedilo in slikovno gradivo in ali se med sabo ujemata. V analizo sem zajela tudi razlike v socialnih predstavitvah moškega in ženskega spola v učnih gradivih. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da je večina učnih gradiv glede na opredelitve diskriminacije in smernic za pisanje učnih gradiv, ki sem jih podala, diskriminatornih. V veliko primerih sta moški in ženski spol prikazana stereotipno. Glede na postavljene kategorije dejavnosti likov, je v učnih gradivih veliko primerov spolnih stereotipov, npr. odrasle ženske se najpogosteje pojavljajo v kategorijah, kjer so predstavljene med dejavnostmi doma (gospodinjska dela, nakupovanje itd.) ali skrbjo za druge. Podobno velja za like odraslih moških, ki se za razliko od odraslih žensk najpogosteje pojavijo v kategorijah, ki so povezane z dejavnostmi v javnem okolju. Pomembno je, da so avtorji in avtorice učnih gradiv pozorni na elemente stereotipnih predstavitev spola, ne le v besedilih, ampak tudi v slikovnem gradivu. V pomoč pri tem so jim lahko smernice, ki so že bile oblikovane ravno v ta namen, ter tudi smernice, ki sem jih na podlagi opravljene analize ter teoretičnih izhodišč oblikovala sama.


spolna diskriminacija;diskriminacija;stereotipi;predsodki;družbeni spol;biološki spol;učno gradivo;primary school;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Klavž]
UDC: 316.346.2:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 17059587 Link will open in a new window
Views: 428
Downloads: 63
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Gender in Slovenian elementary and secondary school learning materials
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of my master's thesis I first make a short introduction of discrimination and its definitions by various authors. A significant part of the thesis are stereotypes, as well as viewpoints and prejudices which relate to them. One part is dedicated to gender and the differences between biological sex and social gender, and the stereotypical perceptions related to both genders, i.e. gender stereotypes. In the theoretical part I touch upon education itself, education plans and learning materials. Textbooks and other learning materials are an important part of a child’s and adolescent’s education. Both the texts and the graphics give them important information and messages, among other things also about (in-) equality of genders and gender discrimination. To determine the representation of gender in texts and graphics in elementary and secondary school learning materials, I analysed them in the empirical part. The analysis comprised ten learning materials, namely three for secondary schools and seven for elementary schools. I used three learning materials from the field of natural sciences, three from social sciences, and two from linguistics and art each. My analysis of the texts and graphics used in the learning materials is based on the 2009 research by UNESCO titled Promoting Gender Equality Through Textbooks – A Methodological Guide. First, I set out to determine which gender form appears more often in texts and graphics, masculine or feminine. Then I focused my analysis on graphics and gender representation in learning materials for elementary schools. For this purpose, I set special categories according to the characters’ activities and social status. It was interesting to compare the texts and graphics to see whether they match. The analysis also included differences in social representations of the male and female gender in learning materials. The results of the analysis show that, according to the definition of discrimination and the guidelines for writing learning materials which I set, most learning materials are discriminatory. In many cases, the male and female gender are stereotyped. In relation to the category of characters’ activities, learning materials include many cases of gender stereotypes. Adult women are mostly represented doing domestic activities (housework, shopping etc.) or taking care of others, while adult men mostly fall into categories of activities related to the public sphere. It is important that both authors and authoresses of learning materials pay attention to the elements of stereotypical portrayals of gender, not only in texts but also in graphics. They can follow existing guidelines set out for just this purpose, as well as the guidelines which I developed based on my analysis and the theoretical starting points.
Secondary keywords: sex;spol;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 95 str.
ID: 11757656