magistrsko delo
Nejc Senekovič (Author), Andrej Hozjan (Mentor)


V letu 1640 vodenje volilne kneževine Brandenburg-Prusija prevzame knez elektor Friderik Viljem I. Brandenburški (1620-1688). Govorimo o času, ko je bila volilna kneževina na robu propada zaradi še vedno trajajoče tridesetletne vojne. Friderik se je v svoji oseminštiridesetletni vladavini posvetil notranjemu boju za oblast. Za uvedbo absolutizma je moral sprva obračunati s stanovi in si zagotoviti njihovo naklonjenost. Kasneje je državo zavaroval pred tujimi osvajalci in izvedel njeno trajno stabilizacijo s pospeševanjem gospodarstva in trgovine. Vanjo je pripeljal tuje investicije in uvedel najnovejši model urjenja vojske. Prav zaradi vojaške moči je država pričela uživati status resne politične sile na evropskem kontinentu. Knez elektor Friderik Viljem velja za utemeljitelja absolutizma v Brandenburgu-Prusiji, in hkrati za promotorja pretkane zunanje politike med evropskimi velesilami. Z njeno pomočjo je uspešno sklepal donosna zavezništva s francoskim vladarjem Ludvikom XIV. in cesarjem Leopoldom I. Habsburškim. Vsa sklenjena zavezništva so služila izključno namenu stabilizacije in suverenosti njegove države.


magistrska dela;zgodovina Evrope;17. stoletje;Friderik Viljem I. Brandenburški;Brandenburg-Prusija;politični odnosi;1620-1688;Brandenburški;Friderik William;1657-1713;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Senekovič]
UDC: 94(4)"16"(043.2)
COBISS: 22455299 Link will open in a new window
Views: 499
Downloads: 88
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrelations of the duke elector of Brandenburg Frederic William I. with the French king Louis XIV. and the holy roman Emperor Leopold I.
Secondary abstract: In 1640, the duke-elector Frederick William I. of Brandenburg (1620-1688) became the ruler of the electoral principality of Brandenburg-Prussia. This was the time when the principality was on the brink of collapse due to the ongoing Thirty Years' War. During his forty-eight-year reign, Frederick devoted himself to the internal struggle for power. In order to introduce absolutism, he first had to deal with the estates in the country and secure their support. Later, he protected the country from foreign invaders and carried out its permanent stabilisation by promoting the economy and trade. He brought foreign investments into the country and introduced the latest military training model. Due to its military power, the country began to be deemed as a serious political force on the European continent. The duke-elector Frederick William is considered the founder of absolutism in Brandenburg-Prussia and the promoter of a cunning foreign policy among the European superpowers. Using this policy, he successfully forged lucrative alliances with the French ruler Louis XIV. and the Emperor Leopold I of Habsburg. The sole purpose of all the forged alliances was to stabilise the country and gain its sovereignty.
Secondary keywords: master theses;history of Europe;17th century;Friderick William I of Brandenburg (1620-1688);Brandenburg-Prussia;political relations;1620-1688;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: VII, 117 str.
ID: 11776976