a case study of the company X
Bernarda Žitek (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Vse hitrejši tehnološki razvoj in globalizacija nas postavlja pred vedno nove izzive in priložnosti. Podjetja pri svojem poslovanju poskušajo trend rasti in razvoja dohajati, kar jih pripelje do iskanja novih poti in trgov, izboljševanju konkurenčnosti, proizvodnje, prodaje ipd. Da lahko vse to dosegajo pa so skorajda nujno potrebne spremembe in prilagoditve poslovanja podjetja. Dejstvo je, da se podjetja morajo prilagoditi zahtevam, če želijo preživeti. Za dober položaj na trgu pa morajo biti pri tem zelo hitra in učinkovita, saj jim to prinaša prednost pred konkurenco. Celovite informacijske rešitve (ERP) imajo zelo velik vpliv na uspešnost poslovanja podjetja, seveda pa je pri tem ključnega pomena, da so le-te uspešno uvedene in da podjetje v čim večji meri izkorišča njihov potencial. Ker ERP - rešitve za podjetje predstavljajo velik strošek in tveganje, saj gre za zelo velik in zahteven projekt, veliko podjetij pri svojem poslovanju še vedno uporablja več različnih sistemov, ki med sabo niso kompatibilni. V magistrski nalogi smo podrobneje predstavili kateri so tisti kritični dejavniki uspešnosti uvedbe, ki jih je pametno poznati, da jih lahko pred ali med uvedbo pravočasno odkrijemo in se tako izognemo tveganju. Seveda pa to ni edino, na kar je potrebno paziti pri uvedbi ERP rešitve. Pogledali smo si tudi življenjski cikel ERP rešitve, ki nas popelje čez štiri faze. Osredotočili smo se na fazo uvedbe, saj uvedba ERP rešitve predstavlja osrednji del magistrske naloge. Na koncu smo vse skupaj podkrepili še s praktičnim primerom, kjer projekt uvedbe predstavimo na primeru podjetja X. Poslovni učinki, ki jih podjetju prinaša ERP rešitev prinaša so izjemni in s tem smo samo še podkrepili ugotovljeno v teoretičnem delu. Cilj magistrske naloge je predstaviti vpliv ERP rešitve na poslovanje podjetja, pomembnost poznavanja kritičnih dejavnikov uvedbe, potek projekta uvedbe ERP rešitve in predstavitev poslovnih učinkov, ki jih le-ta prinaša.


informacijske rešitve;ERP;življenjski cikel;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Žitek]
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 26092803 Link will open in a new window
Views: 413
Downloads: 74
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Critical factors in the implementation of ERP solutions
Secondary abstract: Ever faster technological development and globalisation continually impose new challenges on the modern society; nevertheless, at the same time, they also open the door to new opportunities. Through their operations, companies try to keep up with the growth and development trends which leads them to search for new ways and possibilities, to improve their competitiveness, production, sales etc. In order to achieve their goals, companies practically cannot escape change and need to adjust their business. The fact is that companies need to adapt to the requirements and changes if they want to survive. To maintain a good market position, they must act quick and be efficient as this translates into advantage over competition. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) exerts a great influence over business success. The key elements are that ERP solutions are well implemented and that the company uses their potential to the greatest extent possible. Since ERP solutions represent a considerable cost and risk to the company as they are comprehensive and demanding projects most companies continue to use several different systems in their business that are not compatible with each other. This Master thesis points out those critical success factors for the ERP implementation that a company needs to be aware of in order to be able to identify them on time before or during the implementation, thus reducing the risk or even eliminating it. However, there are more factors that need to be taken into consideration for the ERP implementation. The thesis also examines the life cycle of ERP solutions which extends over four phases. The focus is put on the implementation phase as this is the phase which occupies the central part of this Master thesis. Lastly, a practical example is provided which consists of the analysis of project implementation by using the example of the Company X. Business effects brought about to the company by ERP solutions are exceptional which only reinforces the foundations set in the theoretical part. The objective of this Master thesis is to present the influence of ERP solutions on business, the importance of knowing the critical success factors for the implementation, the progress of the ERP implementation project and the analysis of business effects it produces.
Secondary keywords: ERP solution;Critical Success Factors;life cycle of ERP solution;implementation of ERP solution;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 65 str.
ID: 11784963