magistrsko delo
Barbara Čučko (Author), Edvard Protner (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali pedagoško delovanje v Mariboru med obema vojnama. V uvodu je predstavljeno politično dogajanje na naših tleh ter dogajanje v mestu Maribor po 1. svetovni vojni. V nadaljevanju smo obravnavali zgodovino šolstva na Slovenskem v tem obdobju, položaj učiteljstva, prve slovenske šole po 1. svetovni vojni ter podrobneje zgodovino šolstva v samem mestu Maribor. Raziskovali smo začetke oblikovanja prvih učiteljskih društev na Slovenskem, preučili stanovski tisk ter razlike med njimi ter opredelili ključno razliko med učiteljskimi zborovanji in konferencami. Mariborska učiteljska društva smo razdelili časovno, stanovsko, pedagoško in politično. Eden ključnih ciljev je bil ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv je imelo posamezno društvo, bodisi kulturni, nacionalni ali politični. Prav tako nas je zanimalo kakšen je bil njihov pedagoški koncept, katero pedagogiko so zagovarjali. Vse razlike med posameznimi društvi so predstavljene v sklepu magistrskega dela. Začetki učiteljskih društev segajo v čas učiteljskih zborovanj v letu 1848, po sprejemu društvene zakonodaje pa od 60. let 19. stoletja naprej. Svoje gibanje so izražali skozi glasila, v katerih so pisali o različnih idejah, tudi o pedagoških, nacionalnih in političnih usmeritvah. Okrajna društva so oblikovala deželne zveze. V povojnem obdobju je bilo učiteljstvo v večini liberalno usmerjeno. Po svojem družbenem položaju pa je pripadalo malomeščanstvu, kar je posledično pomenilo položaj med dvema nasprotnima si razredoma, tudi ideologijama. Zaradi slabih dohodkov in materialnih dobrin so bolj pripadali delavskemu razredu kot meščanstvu, bili so tudi v tesnejšem stiku s problemi slovenskega delavskega kmečkega ljudstva. Izobrazba pripadnikov učiteljstva pa je kazala na pripadnost meščanstvu, med drugim so si prizadevali povzpeti se med boljše, srednje sloje. Mariborski učitelji so obnovili svojo stanovsko organizacijo 14. decembra 1919, ko je potekal ustanovni občni zbor učiteljskega društva za mesto Maribor in njeno bližnjo okolico.


magistrska dela;Maribor;učitelj;mesto;časopis;društvo;šola;Učiteljski pokret;zborovnja;konference;Pedagoška centrala;katoliška pedagogika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [B. Čučko]
UDC: 37.091(497.4Maribor)(043.2)
COBISS: 22267139 Link will open in a new window
Views: 552
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Education in Maribor in the interwar period
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with education in Maribor in the interwar period. In the introduction are presented the political events in the Slovenian ethnic Lands and the events in the city of Maribor following the First World War. The analyses of the history of education on the Slovenian ethnic territory, the position of teachers, the first Slovenian schools following the First World War, and education in the city of Maribor are presented in the main part. Also analysed were the beginnings of the formation of the first teachers' societies in the Slovenian ethnic Lands, the vocational press and the differences between them, and the key difference between teachers' meetings and conferences. Maribor teachers' societies were categorised according to longevity, profession, education, and politics. One of the key objectives was to determine the type of impact of individual society, be it cultural, national, or political. Also important was to determine which pedagogical approach individual society supported. The results are presented in the conclusion. Teachers' societies had their beginnings in the teachers' assemblies of 1848, and in the period after the adoption of the societal legislation from the 1860s onwards. They expressed their movement through newsletters in which they wrote about different ideas as well as different pedagogical, national, and political orientations. County societies formed provincial federations. In the post-war period, teaching was largely liberal-oriented. According to its social position, however, it belonged to the bourgeoisie and was stuck between two opposing classes, between two opposing ideologies. Due to poor incomes, they were closer to the working class than the bourgeoisie and in closer contact with the problems of the Slovenian working peasant class. By education, they belonged to the bourgeoisie and sought to rise among the better, middle classes. Maribor teachers renewed their professional organization on December 14, 1919, when they held the founding general assembly of the teachers' society for the city of Maribor.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Maribor;teacher;city;newspaper;teacherʹs societies;school;Učiteljski pokret;teacherʹs meetings;conferences;Pedagoška centrala;Catholic pedagogy;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: VI, 79 str.
ID: 11805831