diplomsko delo
Iva Živković (Author), Borut Buchmeister (Mentor), Miroslav Šarić (Co-mentor)


V današnjem času, ko vsaka sekunda šteje, je za podjetje zelo pomembno in velik izziv kako obstati na trgu. Konkurenca je vedno večja, kupci vse bolj zahtevni, še posebej z zahtevami po znižanju cen izdelkov. Podjetje mora pri tem stalno »ohranjati ravnovesje« oziroma mora biti kolikor se da optimalno. Namen moje naloge je bil, da na konkretnem primeru in z jasnim ciljem uporabim znanje, ki sem ga pridobila na fakuleti. Diplomska naloga se nanaša na zmanjševanje pretočnih časov naročil, vodenje zalog materiala ter razmeščanja delovnih nalogov za istega kupca pri zasedenih kapacitetah. Za analizo vodenja zalog sem uporabljala metodo vodenja zalog materiala pri konstantni porabi, pri zmanjševanju pretočnih časov pa sem se usmerila na metodi »skrajšanje pretočnega časa z istočasnim izvajanjem operacij« ter »skrajšanje pretočnega časa s prekrivanjem operacij«. K razmeščanju delovnih nalogov sem pristopila s hervističnimi prednostnimi pravili. Z izračunom in priloženimi postopki iz teorije ter s pomočjo mentorjev sem skušala podjetju pomagati v procesu izvajanja naročila.


vodenje proizvodnje;zaloge;pretočni časi;delovni nalog;optimizacija;razvrščanje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [I. Živković]
UDC: 658.511.3(043.2)
COBISS: 46609155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 595
Downloads: 122
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of production managing in Rofram d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: In modern time, when every second counts, it is very important and challenging for a company to remain on the market. Competition is ever higher, customers are increasingly demanding, especially regarding their requests to have lower product prices. The company must always “balance” or keep it as optimal as possible. My task herein was to apply the knowledge I gained at the faculty to a specific case, with a clear goal. My Bachelor Thesis pertains to reduction of flow time, maintenance of supplies and materials and classification of work orders for the same customer under full capacities. For the analysis of supply management, I have used a method of material supplies management under constant consumption, with reduced flow time, and I also focused on methods of “reduction of flow time by conducting operations” and “reduction of flow time by overlapping”. Classification of work orders, however, was conducted by the means of heuristic rules of priorities. Relying on the calculation and proposed theoretical procedures, and supported by the mentor, I have tried to help the company execute a purchase order.
Secondary keywords: production management;supplies;flow time;work order;optimisation;classification;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Proizvodno strojništvo
Pages: IX, 36 str.
ID: 11823267