Blanka Urbiha (Author), Valentina Hlebec (Mentor)


Vsak človek želi, da ima v svojem življenju in ob sebi ljudi, na katere se lahko vedno zanese in pri katerih lahko najde pomoč in oporo. Invalidne osebe ali osebe, ki se srečujejo z dolgotrajnimi gibalnimi težavami, potrebujejo še večjo in drugačno socialno oporo, saj so ranljivejše in nekoliko drugačne od okolice. Ta socialna opora jim omogoča opravljanje vsakodnevnih dejavnosti in posledično tudi kakovostnejše življenje. Za lažje razumevanje, o kakšni opori je govora, so v diplomskem delu opredeljeni pojmi socialne opore, omrežje socialne opore, navedeni so tipi gibalnih težav ter na kratko opisani, kako se z gibalnimi težavami srečujejo posamezniki in kako na to gleda družba. Naloga se zaključuje z ugotovitvami, da večina invalidnih oseb in posameznikov z dolgotrajnimi gibalnimi težavami dobi emocionalno oporo predvsem s strani družinskih članov. Ugotovljeno je, da se moški in ženske ne razlikujejo v iskanju materialne opore in da se za pomoč obe skupini najbolj obračata na člane družine. Oporo pri druženju ljudem z gibalnimi težavami nudijo družinski člani in prijatelji.


socialna opora;omrežje socialne opore;gibalne težave;družina;družba;Invalidi;Socialna opora;Kakovost življenja;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [B. Urbiha]
UDC: 364.694:614.8(042.2)
COBISS: 20784131 Link will open in a new window
Views: 355
Downloads: 198
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social support to disabled persons or people with long-term physical impairment
Secondary abstract: Every person wishes to have people available in his life and by his side to which he or she can always rely on and from which he or she can always find some help and support. Disabled persons or persons who face long-term physical impairment need even more and different social support because they are more vulnerable and a little bit different from the environment. This social support enables them to do everyday activities and, consequently, a better life. To understand what kind of support I have in mind, I defined the conceptions of social support and network of social support in the bachelor%s thesis. I also listed the types of physical impairment and, shortly, described how individuals encounter physical impairment and what is the position of the society regarding that. I finish my thesis with the ascertainments that most of the disabled persons and individuals with a long-term physical impairment receive emotional support mostly by their family members. I ascertained that men and women do not differ in seeking material support and that both groups turn to their family members regarding help the most. Family members and friends offer some support in socializing to the people with physical impairment.
Secondary keywords: social support;a network of social support;physical impairment;family;society;Invalids;Social support;Quality of life;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 39 str.
ID: 11828942
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