magistrsko delo
Lucija Stakne (Author), Jerneja Herzog (Mentor), Rajka Bračun Sova (Co-mentor)


Muzejska pedagogika že nekaj časa prevzema pomembno vlogo, saj predstavlja vez med občinstvom in muzeji ter galerijami. V zadnjih desetletjih smo bili priča korenitim spremembam, ki so vplivale na muzejsko pedagogiko. Slednje nas je spodbudilo k raziskovanju profila muzejskih oziroma galerijskih delavcev, ki se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem. Osrednji problem v magistrskem delu je poklicna izgorelost muzejskih pedagogov zaradi vedno večje delovne obremenitve. V teoretičnih izhodiščih najprej predstavimo muzejsko pedagogiko, pri čemer se posebej posvetimo Sekciji za izobraževanje in komuniciranje, saj je pomembno vplivala na izoblikovanje poklica muzejskega pedagoga pri nas. Nadalje pozornost namenjamo njegovi vlogi in nalogam. Delo muzejskega pedagoga je namreč izrazito interdisciplinarno, spremlja pa ga množica delovnih zadolžitev. Posledično se ti spopadajo z vprašanjem vloge, podcenjevanjem in preobremenjenostjo pri delu, ki lahko preseže osebne prilagoditvene vire in privede do poklicnega stresa. Kot posledica dolgotrajnega kroničnega stresa se pojavi poklicna izgorelost, ki vpliva na zadovoljstvo posameznika pri delu. Metodološko smo k raziskovanju pristopili s kombinacijo kvantitativnega in kvalitativnega raziskovanja. Ugotavljamo, da se anketirani muzejski pedagogi čutijo izgorele. V povezavi z zadovoljstvom z delom smo preverjali osebna pojmovanja muzejskih pedagogov. Večina muzejskih pedagogov izraža pozitivno držo in navdušenje v povezavi z delom kljub izzivom, s katerimi se soočajo.


magistrska dela;muzejska pedagogika;vloga muzejskega pedagoga;stres;poklicna izgorelost;zadovoljstvo z delom;preobremenjenost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Stakne]
UDC: 37.01:069:159.944(043.2)
COBISS: 23864835 Link will open in a new window
Views: 510
Downloads: 87
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Professional Burnout of Museum Educators
Secondary abstract: Museum education has been playing an important role for some time now, as it represents a link between the audience and museums, and galleries. In recent decades, we have witnessed radical changes that have affected museum education. The latter encouraged us to research the profile of museum or gallery workers involved in education. The central problem in the master's thesis is the professional burnout of museum educators due to the increasing workload. In the theoretical starting points, we first present museum education, with a special focus on the Section for Education and Communication, as it had a significant impact on the formation of the profession of museum education in our country. We further pay attention to its role and tasks. The work of a museum educator is distinctly interdisciplinary, and is accompanied by a multitude of work assignments. As a result, they face role issues, underestimation, and work overload, which can go beyond personal adjustment resources and lead to occupational stress. As a result of long-term chronic stress, professional burnout occurs, which affects an individual's job satisfaction. Methodologically, we approached the research with a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. We find that the surveyed museum educators feel burnt out. In relation to the job satisfaction, we checked the personal perceptions of museum educators. Most museum educators express a positive attitude and enthusiasm in relation to their work despite the challenges they face.
Secondary keywords: master theses;museum education;role of the museum educators;stress;professional burnout;job satisfaction;overwork;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost
Pages: XIII f., 152 str., [11] str. pril.
ID: 11830248
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