magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa II. stopnje Strojništvo
Mitja Avguštinčič (Author), Rok Vrabič (Mentor)


Mobilni roboti predstavljajo v sodobni industriji vse večji delež logističnih enot. Pametne tovarne so v vse večji meri že opremljene z avtonomno vodenimi roboti. Pri navigaciji le-teh je potrebno ves čas poznati trenutno lego robota in zaznavati omejitve gibanja v okolici. Ker je zanesljivo zaznavanje lege samo s senzorji na robotu zahtevno, so pri reševanju tega problema pogosto uporabljeni zunanji senzorji. V tem delu so predstavljene metode navigacije mobilnih robotov na osnovi kamere in strojnega vida. Opisana je izdelava programske opreme in simulacijskega okolja v programskem okolju ROS in simulatorju Gazebo. Za sledenje sistemu večih mobilnih robotov v prostoru z ovirami se uporabljajo oznake obogatene resničnosti (AR), ki jim je možno slediti s pomočjo knjižnice Alvar. Sistem je testiran in ovrednoten v scenarijih različne zahtevnosti in okoljih z in brez ovir. Ugotovljeno je, da roboti v vseh scenarijih dosegajo zahtevane končne lege z ustrezno natančnostjo (<10 cm odstopanja). Odstopanja od idealne poti so v simulatorju manjša od odstopanj na realnem preizkuševališču zaradi zahtevnejšega sledenja s kamero v realnosti.Z večanjem kompleksnosti scenarijev se povečuje odstopanje poti mobilnega robota od idealne poti.


magistrske naloge;mobilni roboti;obogatena resničnost;navigacija;slikovni sistemi;sledenje;ROS platforma;Alvar knjižnica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Avguštinčič]
UDC: 007.52:681.5:004.4(043.2)
COBISS: 21274627 Link will open in a new window
Views: 557
Downloads: 190
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A mobile robot navigation system based on a tracking camera
Secondary abstract: Mobile robots represent an increasing share of logistics units in modern industry. Smart factories are already increasingly equipped with autonomously guided robots. When navigating robots, it is necessary to know the current position of the robot at all times as well as detect restriction movements in the surroundings. Since reliable position detection with only sensors mounted on the robot is demanding, external sensors are often used to solve this problem. In this thesis, navigation methods based on camera and machine vision are presented. The development of software and simulation environment in ROS software and Gazebo simulator is also described. Augmented reality (AR) tags are used to track the system of multiple robots in environment with obstacles, using the Alvar library. The system is tested and evaluated through scenarios of different complexity and environments with and without obstacles. It was found that the robots in all scenarios achieve the required end positions with appropriate accuracy (<10 cm of deviation). Deviations from ideal path in the simulator are smaller than deviations on test site due to more demanding tracking with camera in reality. As the complexity of scenarios increases, the deviation of the mobile robot's path from the ideal path also increases.
Secondary keywords: master thesis;mobile robots;augmented reality;navigation;image systems;tracking;ROS platform;Alvar library;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXII, 56 str.
ID: 11854160
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