magistrsko delo
Saša Markovič (Author), Polonca Trebše (Reviewer), Mojca Bavcon Kralj (Mentor)


Uvod: Pravilna uporaba pesticidov praviloma ne ogroža javnega zdravja in okolja. Številne študije so pokazale, da lahko predelava in priprava hrane, vključno s pranjem, z lupljenjem in blanširanjem, v veliki meri zmanjšajo raven ostankov pesticidov v hrani. Namen: Namen magistrske naloge je pridobiti podatke o koncentraciji ostankov pesticidov imidakloprida in klorpirifosa na olupkih citrusov po njunem odstranjevanju s pomočjo kemikalij, ki se uporabljajo v domačem gospodinjstvu. Metode dela: V okviru raziskovalnega dela smo z uporabo kemikalij, ki se lahko uporabljajo v individualnih gospodinjstvih, oprali in očistili olupke pomaranč ter določili koncentracijo ostankov pesticidov imidakloprida ter klorpirifosa. Pri raziskovalnem delu smo uporabili kemijsko analizo, natančneje kvantitativno določitev ostankov imidakloprida oz. klorpirifosa na olupkih pomaranč s HPLC metodo. Rezultati: Kot najbolj učinkovito sredstvo in način čiščenja se je pri klorpirifosu izkazalo spiranje z raztopino sode bikarbone (105,1 % ± 6,7 %). Kot najmanj učinkovito pa namakanje v alkoholnem kisu (34,9 % ± 25,4 %). Kot najbolj učinkovito sredstvo in način čiščenja se je pri imidaklopridu izkazalo spiranje s pitno vodo iz pipe (30,3 % ± 16,5 %). Kot najmanj učinkovito pa spiranje z alkoholnim kisom 4,1 % ± 3,8 %). Ugotavljamo, da se je z olupkov odstranilo bistveno več klorpirifosa (vključno s končnim spiranjem z metanolom) kot imidakloprida. Kot najbolj učinkovito sredstvo za odstranjevanje klorpirifosa in imidakloprida se je izkazala soda bikarbona. Kot najmanj učinkovito pa alkoholni kis. Razprava in zaključek: Učinkovitost odstranjevanja pesticidov (imidakloprida in klorpirifosa) z olupkov pomaranč z uporabo čistilnih sredstev, ki jih lahko najdemo v domačih gospodinjstvih, je bila v nekih pogledih podobna, kot so že pokazale predhodne raziskave, bilo pa je tudi nekaj odstopanj, kjer rezultati niso bili isti oz. pričakovani. To lahko pripišemo dejstvu, da eksperimentalni del ni bil enak – čas namakanja, koncentracija pesticida, koncentracija čistilnih sredstev. Zaradi navedenega se lahko pojavijo razlike.


magistrska dela;sanitarno inženirstvo;odstranjevanje ostankov pesticidov;pomaranče;imidakloprid;klorpirifos;soda bikarbona;kuhinjska sol;ocetna kislina;spiranje;namakanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [S. Markovič]
UDC: 614
COBISS: 20339459 Link will open in a new window
Views: 729
Downloads: 294
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Removal of pesticide residues from oranges in households
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Proper use of pesticides usually does not endanger public health and the environment. Numerous studies have shown that the processing and preparation of food, including washing, peeling, blanching, can greatly reduce the level of pesticide residues in food. Aim: The aim of the master's thesis is to obtain data on the concentration of pesticide residues imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos on citrus peels after their removal with the application of chemicals used in the household. Methods: Within the scope of the research work, applying chemicals that can be used in individual households, we washed and cleaned the peels of oranges and determined the residual pesticide concentration of imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos. We used chemical analysis in our research work. More specifically, the quantitative determination of imidacloprid residues chlorpyrifos on orange peels by HPLC. Results: Rinsing with sodium hydrogen carbonate (105.1% ± 6.7%) proved to be the most effective method of purification in chlorpyrifos. The least effective is soaking in alcoholic vinegar (34.9% ± 25.4%). Rinsing with tap water (30.3% ± 16.5%) proved to be the most effective method of purification in imidacloprid. The least effective is rinsing with alcoholic vinegar (4.1% ± 3.8%). Taken as a whole, chlorpyrifos (including the final rinsing with methanol) was significantly more removed from the peels than imidacloprid. Sodium hydrogen carbonate has proven to be the most effective cleaning agent of removing chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid. Alcoholic vinegar is the least effective. Discussion and conclusion: The effectiveness of removing pesticides (imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos) from orange peel using cleaning agents found in domestic households was similar in some respects to what previous research has shown, but there were some deviations where the results they were not the same or expected. This can be attributed to the fact that the experimental part was not the same - the time of soaking, the concentration of the pesticide, the concentration of cleaning agents etc.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;sanitary engineering;removal of pesticide residues;oranges;imidacloprid;chlorpyrifos;sodium hydrogen carbonate;table salt;acetic acid;rinsing;soaking;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo
Pages: 70 str.
ID: 11856134