magistrsko delo


Prepoznavanje dvojno izjemnih učencev, to je nadarjenih učencev s posebnimi potrebami oziroma specifičnimi učnimi težavami, predstavlja poseben izziv. Pri teh učencih se kažejo vedenja, povezana z nadarjenostjo in posebnimi potrebami, ter nespecifična vedenja, ki nastanejo zaradi interakcije obojega, kar se pri vsakem učencu kaže na svojevrsten način. Rezultati raziskav so pokazali, da ti učenci zaradi specifičnega funkcioniranja pogosto ostajajo neprepoznani ali so prepoznani šele pozneje, ko se pokažejo učne in/ali psihosocialne težave. Starši so tisti, ki najbolje poznajo interese in področja nadarjenosti svojih otrok, zato tudi običajno prvi opazijo netipična vedenja. Nekaj raziskav s starši dvojno izjemnih posameznikov je pokazalo, da so imeli starši ključno vlogo pri usmerjanju v identifikacijo otrokove nadarjenosti in posebnih potreb. Zaradi potrebe po zagotavljanju primerno zahtevnega in hkrati prilagojenega učnega procesa je partnerski odnos med šolo in starši za te učence še toliko bolj pomemben. Zato smo želeli v magistrskem delu ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so starši podvrženi stereotipom, ki veljajo za dvojno izjemne učence, in ali priznavajo možnost obstoja določenih vedenj, značilnih za dvojno izjemne učence. Ker formalno prepoznavanje nadarjenosti poteka v Sloveniji na osnovnih šolah, nas je še zanimalo, kakšne možnosti so na voljo staršem, da svoja opažanja povedo šolskim strokovnim delavcem. Uporabili smo kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. Vprašalnik o prepričanjih staršev glede dvojno izjemnih učencev je rešilo 73 staršev učencev iz petih oddelkov sedmega razreda petih različnih rednih osnovnih šol. Rezultati kažejo, da starši sprejemajo hkratno pojavljanje nadarjenosti in posebnih potreb. Prav tako sprejemajo protislovna vedenja, značilna za te učence. Govorilne ure vidijo kot eno od možnosti komunikacije s šolskimi strokovnimi delavci glede morebitne učenčeve potencialne dvojne izjemnosti. Na podlagi naših rezultatov ugotavljamo, da bi staršem morali zagotoviti posvetovalno vlogo pri evidentiranju nadarjenosti oziroma dvojne izjemnosti. Starši bi ob seznanitvi z osnovnimi značilnostmi nadarjenosti in dvojne izjemnosti tako postali še pomembnejši vir informacij.


dvojno izjemni učenci;prepoznavanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Ančimer Aljaž]
UDC: 376:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 20518403 Link will open in a new window
Views: 493
Downloads: 54
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Parentsʹ views on gifted students with specific learning disabilities and the opportunities for cooperation in their identification process
Secondary abstract: The identification of twice-exceptional students, i.e. gifted students with special educational needs (SEN) or specific learning disabilities, poses a special challenge. Such students exhibit behaviours related to giftedness and SEN, and non-specific behaviours arising from the interaction of both types of behaviour, which every student exhibits in their own way. Research findings show that, due to their specific functioning, these students remain unidentified or are identified only later when learning and/or psychosocial difficulties arise. Parents are those who know best their children’s interests and gifts. Thus, they are usually the first to detect atypical behaviour. Some studies examining the parents of twice-exceptional individuals showed that the parents had an essential role in terms of enabling the child’s giftedness and SEN to be identified. Because of the need to ensure a properly challenging and, at the same time, adapted learning process, a cooperation relationship between school and parents is even more important for such students. Therefore, this thesis aimed to determine to what extent the parents of such students are subject to stereotypes about twice-exceptional students and whether they acknowledge the possibility of specific behaviours that are characteristic for twice-exceptional students. Because the formal identification of giftedness in Slovenia is performed in primary school, this thesis was also focused on discovering what options the parents have to share their observations with parent support staff. Quantitative research approach was applied. A questionnaire on parents’ beliefs about twice-exceptional students was completed by 73 parents of students coming from five different Year 7 classes at five regular primary schools. Results show that parents accept the coexistence of giftedness and SEN. They also accept ambivalent behaviours that are typical of such students. The parents consider parental consultations as one of the channels to communicate the potential twice exceptionality of a student to the parent support staff. On the basis of results, it was established that the parents should have a consultative role in the identification of giftedness or twice exceptionality. Thus, upon being introduced to the basic characteristics of giftedness and twice exceptionality the parents could constitute an important source of information.
Secondary keywords: remedial instruction sciences;primary education;specialna pedagogika;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: VI f., 143 str.
ID: 11860206