magistrsko delo
Raziskani profil formacije Trbiške breče se nahaja v severni Sloveniji, severno od Tržiča v Dovžanovi soteski. Dovžanova soteska je znano geološko območje, kjer izdanjajo paleozojske kamnine. Območje pripada geotektonskih enoti Južnih Alp, natančneje Južnim Karavankam. Namen magistrskega dela je podati sedimentološki kontekst Trbiške breče v Dovžanovi soteski, določiti, v kakšnem sedimentacijskem okolju in s kakšnimi sedimentacijskimi procesi so nastale kamnine Trbiške breče.
Raziskovane kamnine formacije Trbiške breče zaznamujejo začetek drugega variskičnega tektonsko-sedimentacijskega cikla v srednjem permu. Na raziskanem območju je bila izdelana podrobna geološka karta in dva natančna profila Trbiške breče. Iz odvzetih vzorcev so bili izdelani sedimentološki zbruski, ki so bili raziskani z optičnim mikroskopom in dodatno analizirani še s katodoluminiscenčnim (CL) mikroskopom. Na izbranih vzorcih iz profila je bila izvedena rentgenska praškovna difrakcija.
Na raziskanem območju geološke karte izdanjajo spodnje in srednje permske kamnine Bornove formacije, Rigeljskih plasti, Trbiške breče in Grödenske formacije ter holocenski sedimenti. V preučenih profilih Trbiške breče se izmenjujejo kremenov konglomerat, rdeč kremenov peščenjak, rdeč muljevec, gomoljasti apnenec, apnenčeva breča in siliciklastično-apnenčeva breča.
Rezultati sedimentoloških raziskav so pokazali, da se v profilih izmenjujejo plasti, ki pripadajo aluvialnim pahljačam, aluvialnim ravninam in playa jezer. Kamnine formacije raziskanega ozemlja, ki pripadajo aluvialnim pahljačam predstavljajo proksimalne faciese aluvialnih pahljač. Izvore zrn v Trbiški breči predstavljajo starejše karbonatne kamnine in starejše metamorfne kamnine oziroma starejše siliciklastično-karbonatne kamnine, ki so vsebovale zrna metamorfnih kamnin.
Raziskane kamnine Trbiške breče so bile tekom diagenetske zgodovine izpostavljene povišanim temperaturam in povišanim tlakom.
Dovžanova soteska;Južne Karavanke;Trbiška breča;srednji perm;aluvialna pahljača;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering |
Publisher: |
[U. Novak] |
UDC: |
55 |
Views: |
1005 |
Downloads: |
255 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
sedimentological characteristics of the Trbiž/Tarvisio Breccia in the Dovžanova soteska gorge |
Secondary abstract: |
The investigated section of the Tarvis Breccia formation is located in the northern part of Slovenia, north of the town of Tržič in Dovžanova soteska gorge. Dovžanova soteska gorge is a well-known geological site, where Palaeozoic rocks outcrop. The aim of this thesis is to gain better sedimentological understanding of Tarvis Breccia in the Dovžanova soteska gorge. Particularly the sedimentary processes and the sedimentary environment that formed the Tarvis Breccia formation.
The investigated formation marks the start of the second Variscan tectono-sedimentary cycle in the Middle Permian and it belongs to the geotectonic unit of Southern Alps, more specifically to the Southern Karavanke Mountains. A detailed geological map of the studied area was made and the studied sequence was recorded in two detailed sedimentological sections. Thin-sections were made from collected samples and were later examined with a polarizing optical microscope. Additionally, cathodoluminescence microscopy (CL) was performed on some thin-sections. X-ray diffraction analysis was also made on some selected samples from the sections.
Rock formations that outcrop in the area covered by the geological map are Lower to Middle Permian in age and belong to: Born Formation, Rigelj Beds, Tarvis Breccia, Gröden Formation and Holocene sediments. The sequence of Tarvis Breccia consists of quartz conglomerates, red quartz sandstones, red siltstones, nodular limestone and limestone breccia.
The sequence of Tarvisio Breccia consists of exchanging alluvial fan deposits, alluvial plain deposits and sabkha deposits. The studied section represents distal sedimentary environments of alluvial fans. The provenances are carbonate rocks and either metamorphic rocks or sedimentary rocks that contained metamorphic grains.
During diagenesis, the studied rocks of Tarvis Breccia Formation were exposed to higher temperatures and higher pressures. |
Secondary keywords: |
Dovžanova soteska gorge;Southern Karavanke Mountains;Tarvis Breccia;Middle Permian;alluvial fan; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Odd. za geologijo |
Pages: |
XII, 64 f. |
ID: |
11862507 |