(diplomsko delo)
Tjaša Pšeid (Author), Barbara Kegl (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Zdravstvena obravnava žensk na primarni ravni zahteva veliko veščin medicinske sestre in zdravnika. Še posebej so pomembne komunikacijske veščine, verbalne in neverbalne, s katerimi dosežemo zadovoljstvo pacientk pri zdravstveni obravnavi. Medicinska sestra lahko s svojo profesionalnostjo in individualnim ter celostnim pristopom pripomore h kakovostnejši obravnavi ter večjemu zadovoljstvu pacientk. Raziskovalne metode: Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodologijo in deskriptivno metodo dela. Raziskavo smo izvedli z metodo anketiranja. Anketa je vsebovala 22 vprašanj. Sodelovalo je 81 pacientk, ki so bile obravnavane v dispanzerju za ženske v okviru javne mreže ali zasebnih ginekoloških ambulant. Pridobljene podatke smo predstavili s pomočjo opisne in grafične statistike. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je višje zadovoljstvo pacientk, ki obiskujejo zasebne ginekološke ambulante. Pacientke zasebnih ginekoloških ambulant so prav tako bolj zadovoljne s kakovostjo zdravstvene obravnave s strani medicinskih sester. Zaradi dolgih čakalnih dob v izbrani ambulanti je bistven del žensk pripravljenih zamenjati dispanzer v okviru javne mreže ali zasebno ginekološko ambulanto. Diskusija in zaključek: Zadovoljstvo pacientov nam predstavlja ključen pomen pri dopolnjevanju in izboljšanju zdravstvene obravnave na primarni ravni. Komunikacija in medsebojni odnosi med zdravstvenim osebjem morajo biti profesionalni, da lahko zagotovimo čim višjo kakovost in posledično lahko pričakujemo visoko stopnjo zadovoljstva uporabnikov storitev.


zadovoljstvo;dispanzer za ženske;kakovost;javni sektor;zasebni sektor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [T. Pšeid]
UDC: 616-083-055.2:614.21(043.2)
COBISS: 35523843 Link will open in a new window
Views: 323
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Satisfaction of women with the quality of health treatment on primary level
Secondary abstract: Theoretical background: Health treatment of women at the primary level requires a great deal of nursing and physician skills. Particularly important are communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, to achieve the required patient satisfaction concerning health care. The nurse, as an occupation can achieve better results in terms of greater patients’ satisfaction with her professional and individual approach. Research Methods: We used a quantitative and descriptive methodology for the line of our work. The research was conducted using the survey method. The survey included 22 questions. There were 81 patients who were questioned in a women's dispensary within a public network or private gynecological outpatient clinic. The gathered data were presented using descriptive and graphic statistics. Results: The study has shown that the satisfaction of patients attending private gynecological outpatient clinics was higher than those of attending a public gynecological clinic. Private gynecological outpatients are also more satisfied with the quality of nursing care. Due to the long waiting times in the selected outpatient clinic, an essential part of women was ready to change the dispensary within a public network or a private gynecological outpatient clinic. Discussion and Conclusion: Patient satisfaction is crucial for us to complement and improve health care on a primary level. Communication and interaction between healthcare workers must be at the highest possible level in order to achieve the highest possible quality of health care and, as a direct result, to raise the satisfaction of the users with the provided services.
Secondary keywords: satisfaction;dispensary for women;quality;public sector;private sector;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 24 f., 11 f. pril.
ID: 11863402
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