magistrsko delo
Tanja Marinac (Author), Stojan Kostanjevec (Mentor)


Prebivalstvo v Sloveniji se sooča s porastom odpadkov, ki v svetovnem merilu predstavljajo problem. Sistem ravnanja z odpadki potrebuje spremembe, drugače bo prišlo do nepopravljive škode. V vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu je treba otroke in mladostnike vzgajati in izobraževati za trajnostno ravnanje z odpadki. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kako so vsebinska področja, ki jih vključuje model Brez odpadkov (ang. Zero Waste) in spodbujajo zmanjševanje nastajanja odpadkov, vključena v učne načrte predmetov predmetnika osnovne šole, kakšen odnos do omenjenih dejavnosti imajo učitelji, ki te vsebine poučujejo, in katere dejavnosti z namenom zmanjševanja količine odpadkov izvajajo na šolah, ki so vključene v program Ekošole. Med raziskavo sem pregledala učne načrte obveznih in izbirnih predmetov, ki se izvajajo v slovenskih osnovnih šolah, in izpisala operativne cilje, vsebine in minimalne standarde, ki temeljijo na hierarhiji modela Brez odpadkov. Opravila sem tudi intervjuje z osmimi učitelji, ki poučujejo predmete, v katere so vključene obravnavane teme, ter analizirala aktivnosti, ki so jih izvajale šole v okviru Evropskega tedna za zmanjševanje odpadkov preko programa Ekošola, v katerega so vključene. Ugotovila sem, da učni načrti vključujejo vsebine, ki omogočajo obravnavo trajnostnih vsebin. Večinoma se obravnavane vsebine pojavljajo pri naravoslovnih predmetih in so pogostejše pri predmetih v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju kot pri predmetih v nižjih vzgojno-izobraževalnih obdobjih. Teme o odpadkih so usmerjene predvsem v pravilno ločevanje, odlaganje in recikliranje odpadkov, manj pa se obravnavajo teme, ki so namenjene vzgoji in izobraževanju za zmanjšanje nastajanja odpadkov. Koordinatorji dejavnosti na osnovnih šolah na temo odpadkov so mnenja, da s svojim delom in vzorom vplivajo na vedenje učencev, imajo pa pomisleke, ali dejavnosti vplivajo na zmanjševanje odpadkov. Menijo tudi, da sta ključ do zmanjševanja odpadkov v osnovnih šolah uspešno sodelovanje in organizacija med zaposlenimi in učenci ter okoljem in ljudmi izven šole. Učitelji, s katerimi sem opravila intervjuje, so dobro poznali vsebine na temo odpadkov v učnih načrtih. Ocenili so, da je vsebin na temo zmanjševanja odpadkov dovolj, in so tudi mnenja, da so učenci naklonjeni trajnostno naravnanim vsebinam. Ugotovila sem, da se učitelji bolj kot zmanjševanju odpadkov posvečajo ravnanju z njimi.


ekošola;odpadki;zmanjševanje odpadkov;brez odpadkov/zero waste;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Marinac]
UDC: 502.173:37(043.2)
COBISS: 21037315 Link will open in a new window
Views: 327
Downloads: 38
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Promoting waste reduction in primary education
Secondary abstract: Slovenia is facing an increase in waste that has been a global problem ever since plastic was invented. Without changing the waste management system, irreparable damage will be made. The educative system should teach children and young adults in the direction of sustainable waste management. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to establish how the content that is included in the Zero Waste programme and encourages the reduction of waste generation is included in primary school curricula; what attitude toward these activities do the teachers teaching this content have; and which activities aimed to reduce waste are performed at schools included in the Ecoschool programme. During the research, I analysed the curricula of compulsory and optional subjects of Slovenian primary schools, extracting the operative goals, contents and minimal standards following the Zero Waste hierarchy. I also performed interviews with eight teachers teaching subjects in which the discussed topics are included and analysed the activities that the schools performed as part of the European Week of Waste Reduction through the Ecoschool programme in which they are included. The curricula include content encouraging the discussion of sustainability, while there is little content dealing with the topic of waste. The relevant content is mostly included in natural sciences and more often appears in subjects of the third educational period than in subjects of the lower two periods. The topics on waste mostly focus on correct waste sorting, disposal and recycling, while topics on educating how to reduce waste generation are less present. The results of this master’s thesis feature an overview of sustainable waste management content in the primary school curricula and offer a possibility of introducing additional material into the curricula by dealing with current content connected to waste. Primary school activity coordinators dealing with the topic of waste believe that their work sets example and influences the behaviour of children. However, they feel unsure whether their activities will effectively enable waste reduction. They also believe that the key to reducing waste in primary schools is successful collaboration and organisation among the staff and the students as well as the environment and people outside the school. The teachers I interviewed had good knowledge of the topic of waste in the curricula. They estimated that there is enough content focused on reducing waste and were of the opinion that the students liked the topics of sustainability. I established that the teachers focused more on waste treatment than on waste reduction.
Secondary keywords: primary school;environmental education;osnovna šola;okoljska vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predmetno poučevanje: Biologija-gospodinjstvo
Pages: 70 str.
ID: 11876366