magistrsko delo
Špela Dominko (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Težnja po novem znanju, ogromna količina podatkov, njihova selekcija, tehnološki razvoj in prihodnost poklicev ter pričakovanja udeležencev, ki se želijo učiti kadar koli in kjer koli so ključni dejavniki razvoja e-izobraževanja, ki se skladno s pričakovanji digitane družbe v zadnjem desetletju zelo razvija. Digitalizacija učnih procesov se stopnjuje in izobraževalne organizacije se zaradi pozitivnih učinkov vse pogosteje odločajo za vpeljavo e-izobraževanja. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljena temeljna izhodišča e-izobraževanja, njegove prednosti in slabosti. Predstavljene so ključne značilnosti e-izobraževanja, njegov razvoj skozi zgodovino, oblike e-izobraževanja in trende, h katerim se nagiba razvoj. V nadaljevanju dela je predstavljena informacijsko podpora za izvedbo e-izobraževanja, bistveni informacijski sistememi, ki podpirajo posamezne aktivnosti in področja e-izobraževanja in sistemi za upravljanje učenja, ki organizacijam predstavljajo celovito rešitev, ki podpira e-izobraževanje. Predstavljen je razvoj orodij za podporo e-izobraževanju, njihove ključne značilnosti in izpostavljenih nekaj najbolj priljubljenih ponudnikov rešitev. V četrtem poglavju se osredotočamo na proces vpeljave e-učenja s poudarkom na uvedbi sistema za upravljanje učenja, začenši z načrtovanjem, analizo zahtev in potreb. Tekom procesa izbire so naštete in predstavljene posamezne aktivnosti izbire in postopek določanja kriterijev za izbiro najprimernejše rešitve. Sama uvedba je ovrednotena tudi iz ekonomskega vidika, kjer smo izpostavili kključni stroški povezani z vpeljavo in najpogosteje uporabljeni finančne modeli e-izobraževanja. Na koncu poglavlja so predstavljeni ključni dejavniki uspeha uvedbe e-izobraževanja. V praktičnem delu je predstavljen projekt uvedbe sistema za upravljanje učenja na praktičnem primeru v organizaciji za izobraževanje odraslih. Ta sledi standardnemu postopku, ki smo ga spoznali v praktičnem delu, vključno s spoznavanjem okolja organizacije, tržno analizo ponudnikov e-izobraževanja za odrasle, izvedenim postopkom izbire najprimernejše rešitve in njenim testiranjem. Za konec je podanih še nekaj predlogov za nadaljne aktivnosti povezane z vpeljavo e-izobraževanja.


izobraževanje odraslih;upravljanje učenja;elektronsko izobraževanje;informacijska podpora;informacijske rešitve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [Š. Dominko]
UDC: 004.77:374.7
COBISS: 49969667 Link will open in a new window
Views: 355
Downloads: 45
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Project of implementing learning management system in the adult education institution
Secondary abstract: The desire for new knowledge, the concept of a big data and data selection, technological development, career development trends and the expectations of participants who want to learn anytime and anywhere are key factors in the development of e-learning, which should be in line with the expectations of digital society . Digitization of learning processes is intensifying, and educational organizations are increasingly opting for the introduction of e-learning due to the positive effects. The theoretical part presents the basic principles of e-learning, its advantages, and disadvantages. There are presented the key characteristics of e-learning, its development through history, forms of e-learning and future trends. In the continuation of the work, information support for the implementation of elearning, essential information systems that support individual activities and areas of elearning and learning management systems are presented, which represent a comprehensive solution to organizations that supports e-learning. The development of e-learning support tools, their key features and some of the most popular solution providers are presented. In the fourth chapter we focus on the process of implementing e-learning with an emphasis on the introduction of a learning management system, starting with planning, analysis of requirements and needs. During the selection process, individual selection activities and the process of determining the criteria for selecting the most suitable solution are listed and presented. The introduction itself is also evaluated from an economic point of view, where we highlighted the key costs associated with the introduction and the most commonly used financial models of e-learning. At the end of the chapter, we presented the key success factors of the introduction of e-learning. In the practical part, we presented the project of implementing a learning management system on a practical case in an adult education organization. This follows the standard procedure we learned in the practical part, including learning about the environment of the organization, market analysis of e-learning providers, the process of selecting the most appropriate solution and its testing. Finally, there are some suggestions for further activities related to the implementation.
Secondary keywords: e-learning;implementation of information solutions;learning management systems-LMS;choosing the rigth LMS;information support for e-learning;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 63 str.
ID: 11881576
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