magistrsko delo
Ana Mestnik (Author), Franci Steinman (Mentor), Gašper Rak (Co-mentor)


Prostorsko planiranje sodi med vrste negradbenih protipoplavnih ukrepov. Visokovodni dogodki so s spremljajočo erozijo naraven pojav, ki v okviru prostorskega načrtovanja predstavljajo omejitev rabe prostora. Raba tal skupaj z lastnostmi vodnega toka vpliva na strižne napetosti, ki se pojavijo pri toku vode preko poplavnih območij v času visokovodnih dogodkov. Ko vrednosti strižnih napetosti presežejo mejne strižne odpornosti, pride do erozije. Erozijske nevarnosti ob objektih, kjer se lahko pojavijo večje hitrosti vodnega toka, nismo obravnavali. Planiranje rabe obvodnega prostora mora biti premišljeno in skladno z veljavnimi predpisi. Ključno je, da izberemo rabe, ki so po svoji zasnovi odpornejše na erozijsko delovanje vode. Od rabe tal je odvisna hidravlična hrapavost, zato lahko s spreminjanjem le-te vplivamo na zadrževanje vode, zmanjšanje hitrosti vodnega toka, na lokalno globino in obseg poplavne vode. Z evidentiranjem prekoračenih strižnih obremenitev smo pokazali vzročno posledične zveze med rabo prostora in visokovodnimi procesi. Izbiro in spreminjanje rabe tal uvrščamo med sonaravne ukrepe, saj poleg hidravlične vključujejo tudi ekološko funkcijo. Upoštevanje varstvenega vidika v postopku urejanja prostora sledi ciljem trajnostnega prostorskega razvoja. Skladno s tem in veljavnimi predpisi smo v magistrskem delu podali predloge scenarijev s sonaravnimi ukrepi. V scenarijih je predvidena celovita ureditev obvodnega prostora, ki poleg zagotavljanja boljše odpornosti vključuje obravnavano območje v sistem zelenih površin Šoštanja.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;PN;visokovodni dogodki;erozija;strižne napetosti;raba tal;sonaravne ureditve;obvodni prostor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Mestnik]
UDC: 502.131.1:627.516(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 28604675 Link will open in a new window
Views: 742
Downloads: 439
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sustainable measures in land use planning to reduce the erosion hazard on floodplain areas
Secondary abstract: Spatial planning is one of the non-structural flood protection measures. High water events and the accompanying erosion are natural phenomena, which in the context of spatial planning represent a restriction when it comes to land use. Land use together with water flow properties influences the shear stresses that occur when water flows through floodplain areas during the high water events. Erosion occurs when the value of the shear stresses exceed limits of the shear resistance. Erosion hazards near buildings, where higher water flow velocity could occur, were not dealt with. Planning of the use of the riparian space has to be thought-out and in accordance with the applicable regulations. The key is to choose uses, which are more resistant to water erosion. Hydraulic roughness depends on land use and by changing the land use, we can influence water retention, reduce the speed of the water flow, the local depth, and extent of the flood prone areas. By recording exceeded shear loads, the cause and effect links between land use and high water processes have shown. The selection and change of land use are classified as sustainable measures because, in addition to the hydraulic function, they also include an environmental function. Consideration of the environmental aspect in the process of spatial planning follows the objectives of sustainable spatial development. In accordance with this and the applicable regulations, this master's thesis presents the proposals for scenarios with sustainable measures. A comprehensive arrangement of the riparian area is envisaged in the scenarios, which, in addition to ensuring better resilence, includes the area in the system of green areas of Šoštanj.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master thesis;high water events;erosion;shear stresses;land use;sustaniable measures;waterside area;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 65 str., [4] str. pril.
ID: 11890299