magistrsko delo
Lea Turk (Author), Iztok Tomažič (Mentor)


Poučevanje naravoslovja temelji na razumevanju pojavov in klasificiranju različnih znanstvenih pojmov. Kadar se posameznikove ideje razlikujejo od znanstveno sprejetih dejstev, jih imenujemo napačne predstave. Te niso vezane na spol, starost ali kulturne omejitve, ampak nastanejo zaradi raznovrstnih osebnih izkušenj posameznika. Več raziskav je pokazalo, da se pri učencih pojavlja največ napačnih predstav v zvezi z razumevanjem pojmov vretenčar, nevretenčar, plazilec, dvoživka. Učenci namreč razvrščajo na podlagi kriterijev, ki so jim na voljo v danem trenutku. Osredotočajo se predvsem na življenjsko okolje živali, način premikanja in število nog. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kako in na podlagi katerih značilnosti živali učenci le-te uvrščajo v sistem. S pomočjo kombinacije anketnega vprašalnika in preizkusa znanja smo ugotavljali, kako se uspešnost razvrščanja živali in pojav napačnih predstav spreminja s starostjo ter na podlagi kakšnih kriterijev se učenci odločajo za uvrstitev določene živali v sistem. Zanimalo nas je še, kako se interes za učenje o posamezni živali spreminja s spolom in starostjo ter kako na pojav napačnih predstav vpliva pogostost obiskovanja narave. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 239 učencev, od šestega do devetega razreda osnovne šole. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se s starostjo ne izboljšuje uspešnost razvrščanja živali. Se pa opazi, da so učenci sedmega in osmega razreda v razvrščanju boljši kot učenci šestega in devetega razreda. Ugotovili smo še, da interes za učenje o posamezni živali s starostjo pada ter da fantje izkazujejo višji interes za učenje o določenih živalih kot dekleta; predvsem za živali, ki pogosto izzovejo negativna čustva v ljudeh (strah, gnus, tesnobnost ipd.). Ugotovili smo, da učenci razvrščajo živali predvsem na podlagi življenjskega okolja, anatomskih značilnosti ter načina premikanja. Pogostost obiskovanja narave ni igrala pomembne vloge v uspešnosti razvrščanja.


mikroorganizmi;plesni;praktično delo;predšolski otroci;naravoslovje v vrtcu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Turk]
UDC: 5:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 22071299 Link will open in a new window
Views: 403
Downloads: 61
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determining the misconceptions about animal classification of lower secondary school students
Secondary abstract: Science learning is based on understanding of different scientific phenomena and classification of scientific concepts. When individual's ideas are different from scientifically accepted facts, they are called misconceptions. They are not based on gender, age, or cultural constraints. Misconceptions are formed due to individual's diverse personal experiences. Several studies have shown, that students hold the most misconceptions regarding the concepts of vertebrate, invertebrate, reptile, amphibian. Students mostly classify based on criteria, that are available to them at a given moment. They mainly focus on the animal's habitat, movement and the number of legs. We conducted a quantitative survey, where we were interested in how and on the basis of which characteristics of animals students classify them in the system. With combination of questionnaire and test technique, we wanted to investigate how the student’s animal classification and the occurrence of misconceptions change with age, and what are the criterias students use in classify the animals. We also wanted to see, how an interest in learning about different animals changes regarding gender and age, and an impact of nature visits on the occurrence of misconceptions. Our study involved 239 students, from sixth to ninth grade of primary school. The results of the study showed, that the animal classification performance does not improve with an age. Hoewever, the study has shown, that seventh and eighth grade students are better with classification than sixth and ninth grade students. We also discovered, that interest in animals decreases with age, and that boys show a higher interest in learning about certain animals than girls - mainly those animals, that often provoke negative emotions in humans (fear, disgust, anxiety, etc.) We have found, that students classify animals primarily based on their habitat, anatomical features, and their movement patterns. Visiting the nature does not play a significant role in classifying performance of the students.
Secondary keywords: science education;primary education;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Dvopredmetni učitelj: Predmetno poučevanje
Pages: 89, [5] str. pril.
ID: 11892055
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