diplomsko delo


Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem politične manipulacije na relaciji oblast - mladi. Preučuje, kako oblast strateško manipulira z mladimi z namenom ohranjanja statusa quo, kar perpetuira obstoječe družbene in politične razmere ter strukture moči. Skozi pregled pomena pojma ideologije in analize ideoloških aparatov države, s poudarkom na izobraževalnem in informacijskem IAD-u, diplomsko delo oriše delovanje oblasti, njeno politično vedenje in način konstrukcije realnosti. Osrednji del diplomskega dela se ukvarja z mladimi kot demografsko skupino in njihovim družbenopolitičnim udejstvovanjem. Na eni strani prikazuje ustaljene politične vzorce, po katerih se mladi klasificirajo kot pasivna skupina, opazovalci družbe. Na drugi strani prikazuje, kako mladostniki in mladostnice uporabljajo alternativne prakse, ki so posledica tehnološke razvitosti, heterogenih komunikacij in prostorske razpršenosti. Diplomsko delo torej analiza, kako oblast s svojim delovanjem manipulira mlade k uporabi tradicionalnih praks demokratičnih sistemov, s čimer njihovo delovanje približuje idejam aktivnega državljanstva. Mlade posameznike in posameznice, ki so subjekti politične manipulacije oblasti, uokvirjajo konvencionalne oblike participacije - primarno udeležba na volitvah. Oblasti pa sočasno sistemsko preusmerjajo pozornost z novodobnih družbenopolitičnih pobud, ki jih mladi podajajo.


mladi;demokracija;politična participacija;Manipulacija;Mladina;Ideologija;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [S. Vardić Grahek]
UDC: 32-053.6(043.2)
COBISS: 24273923 Link will open in a new window
Views: 674
Downloads: 226
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Young people as the subject of political manipulation
Secondary abstract: This thesis addresses the issue of political manipulation between those-in-power and young people. It studies how those-in-power strategically manipulate young people with the intention of maintaining the status quo, which only perpetuates the existing societal and political conditions and existing power structures. Through examination of the meaning of the term ideology and analysis of ideological state apparatus, with emphasis on the educational and informational ISA, this thesis outlines the activities of those-in-power, their political behavior and the way they construct reality. The main part focuses on young people as a demographic group and their socio-political participation. On the one hand, it shows the deeply rooted political patterns, which classify young people as passive, merely observers of society. On the other hand, it shows how young people make use of alternative practices that are the consequence of technological developments, heterogenic communications and spatial dispersion. This thesis then analyses how those-in-power manipulate young people into making use of traditional practices of democratic systems, through which they draw the young people towards the ideas of active citizenship. Young people are, as such, the subject of political manipulation, where those-in-power through conventional practices of participation - primarily taking part in the elections - systematically divert attention away from the new-age socio-political initiatives that young people are introducing.
Secondary keywords: young people;democracy;political participation;Manipulation;Youth;Ideology;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 43 str.
ID: 11892178