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Domen Mahne (Author), Dominika Gornik Bučar (Reviewer), Miran Merhar (Mentor)


V nalogi smo preučili uporabo in natančnost vzvratnega inženiringa v procesu mehanske obdelave lesa, kjer smo za določevanje oblike obstoječih predmetov in izdelavo njihovih replik uporabili fotografiranje. Zajete fotografije smo obdelali v računalniškem programu Agisoft Photoscan, kjer smo poravnali fotografije v prostoru in ustvarili 3D modele izdelkov. Te smo nato uvozili v program SolidWorks ter z razširitvijo SolidCAM generirali G-kodo za računalniško krmiljeni stroj. Za izdelavo replik smo uporabili les hrasta, bresta in javorja, od katerih sta se za najprimernejša izkazala brest in javor, pri hrastu pa je bila zaradi njegove nekoliko bolj grobe strukture kakovost površine slabša. Na kakovost končne površine izdelka najbolj vplivajo svetloba, površina fotografiranega predmeta in izbira natančnosti poravnave fotografij v samem programu. Svetloba mora biti čim bolj enakomerna in zadostna. Za površino fotografiranega predmeta je zaželeno, da svetlobo odbija difuzno, ne zrcalno. Pri fazah poravnave v programu je dobro izbrati veliko natančnost, saj se posledično izboljša kakovost površine. Metoda vzvratnega inženiringa je v lesarstvu uporabna, saj je časovno učinkovitejša od drugačnih metod merjenja in 3D modeliranja.


vzvratni inženiring;rezkanje;mehanska obdelava lesa;SolidCam;Solidworks;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [D. Mahne]
UDC: 674.05:621.9
COBISS: 21708035 Link will open in a new window
Views: 519
Downloads: 125
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reverse engineering in mechanical wood processing
Secondary abstract: In the thesis the use and accuracy of reverse engineering in the mechanical woodworking process were examined. For acquiring the shape of existing objects photographing was used and the captured images were processed in the computer software Agisoft Photoscan, where photos were aligned in space and a 3D model created. Using SolidWorks and SolidCAM a 3D model was imported and a G-code for CNC was then machine generated. Oak, elm and maple wood were used to produce the replicas, where elm and maple proved to be the most suitable, while oak, due to its slightly coarser structure, produced worse surface quality. The quality of the finished surface of the product is most affected by the light, the surface of the photographed object, and the choice of the alignment accuracy of the photos in the software itself. The light should be as uniform as possible and sufficient. When photographing the surface of the object, it is preferable that the light reflecting off said object is diffused and not reflected. It is advisable to choose a high degree of precision in the alignment stages of the program, as the resulting surface quality is improved. The reverse engineering method is useful in woodworking because it is more time efficient than different methods of measurement and 3D modeling.
Secondary keywords: reverse engineering;milling;mechanical woodworking;SolidCam;Solidworks;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: XII, 49 f.
ID: 11893731