diplomsko delo
Ivanka Horvath (Author), Petra Ferk (Mentor)


Pomanjkanje podatkov o občinski javni cestni infrastrukturi v uradnih evidencah je vodilo v obširno spremembo prostorske zakonodaje in obsežnih nalog organov javne uprave, predvsem geodetske uprave. Dolgoletno neurejeno stanje podatkov v uradnih evidencah je povzročalo težave in spore pri uporabi zemljišč pod občinsko javno cestno infrastrukturo, saj je ostalo nerešeno vprašanje lastništva in drugih pravic na teh zemljiščih. Po Zakonu o cestah - ZCes-1- so javne ceste javno dobro in občinske ceste v lasti občin. Za zagotovitev zakonodajnih določb ureditve, odvzema ali omejitve lastninske pravice, je potrebna natančna določitev območja pod občinsko javno cestno infrastrukturo in določitev enolične identifikacije tega območja. Ta je pomembna tudi zaradi povezanosti zemljiškega katastra in zemljiške knjige. Le na točno in enolično določenem objektu je mogoče vzpostaviti evidenco stvarnih pravic in pravnih dejstev na njih. Spremenjena zakonodaja uvaja ureditev vodenja podatkov o območju izvrševanja neprave stvarne služnosti z namenom ureditve stvarnopravnih razmerij, vpisa služnosti v javno korist v zemljiško knjigo. Zemljiška knjiga po dokončnosti vpisa stvarnih pravic podatek posreduje v zemljiški kataster. Namen ureditve in uskladitve podatkov je zagotovitev dostopa do celovitih podatkov o nepremičninah na enem mestu. Samo pravilni podatki, ki izkazujejo njihovo dejansko fizično stanje v prostoru, bodo omogočili uporabo podatkov za različne namene.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: FDŠ
Publisher: [I. Horvath]
UDC: 351.811:342(043.2)
COBISS: 21950211 Link will open in a new window
Views: 990
Downloads: 109
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The lack of data on municipal public road infrastructure in the official records led to a large-scale change of spatial legislation and extensive tasks of public administration bodies, especially the Surveying and Mapping Authority. The long unregulated state of the data in official records created disputes in the use of land under municipal public road infrastructure, as the issue of ownership and other rights on these lands remained unresolved. According to the Roads Act - ZCes-1- public roads are public property and municipal roads are owned by municipalities. In order to ensure the legislative provisions for the regulation, deprivation or restriction of property rights, it is necessary to define the area under municipal public road infrastructure and to determine the unique identification of the area. This is also important because of the connection between the land cadastre and the land register. Only on a precisely uniquely defined object can records of rights in rem and legal facts on them be established. The amended legislation introduces the regulation of keeping data on the area of performing unlawful real easement for the purpose of regulating real property relations, the registration of easement for the purpose of regulating real property relations, the registration of easements for public benefit in the land register. After completing the registration of rights in rem, the law register submits the information to the land cadastre. The purpose of data regulation and reconciliation is to provide access to comprehensive real estate data in one place. Only the correct data that shows their spatial condition will allow the use of the data for different purposes.
Secondary keywords: Ceste;Diplomske naloge;Javno pravo;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fakulteta za državne in evropske študije
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 7. 7. 2020;
Pages: 80 str.
ID: 11899795