magistrsko delo
Lana Flisar (Author), Polonca Trebše (Reviewer), Mojca Bavcon Kralj (Mentor)


Uvod: Plastični materiali, ki se uporabljajo v kmetijstvu za različne namene (talne plastične folije, cevi za namakanje, vrvice) s časom razpadajo na delce plastike, manjše od 5 mm – tako imenovano mikroplastiko. Mikroplastika se lahko prenaša iz čistilnih naprav na kmetijske površine z uporabo odpadne vode in aktivnega blata. S tem lahko mikroplastika deluje kot vektor za adsorbirana onesnaževala, prisotna v čistilnih napravah. V kolikor se to blato uporablja na kmetijskih površinah, pa predstavlja mikroplastika sestavljeno onesnaževalo, ki lahko na svoji površini adsorbira še kmetijska onesnaževala, v tem primeru pesticide. Namen: Namen magistrske naloge je razviti metodo za preučevanje adsorpcije izbranih onesnaževal – pesticidov, ki se uporabljajo na kmetijskih površinah – na mikroplastiko, ki je prisotna v odpadni vodi in aktivnem blatu iz čistilnih naprav. Le-tega se lahko dodaja tudi kmetijskim površinam, saj je bogato s hranili. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen vpliv ima topnost pesticidov v vodi na adsorpcijo, kako vpliva mešanje raztopine, kakšno vlogo ima odpadna voda in kako vpliva delež mikroplastike na zadrževanje pesticida v tleh. Metode dela: Raziskovanje adsorpcije dveh pesticidov z različno topnostjo v vodi – klorantraniprola in klorpirifosa – je potekalo v dveh različnih vodnih medijih: deionizirani vodi in v umetno pripravljeni odpadni vodi. Preučevali smo zadrževanje klorpirifosa v zemlji glede na količino dodane mikroplastike. Analiza vzorcev je potekala s tekočinskim kromatografom visoke ločljivosti. Rezultati: V deionizirani vodi do adsorpcije izbranih pesticidov ni prišlo, zato nismo mogli ovrednotiti vpliva topnosti pesticidov, vpliva mešanja in svetlobe. V umetni odpadni vodi se dobro vodotopen klorantraniprol ni adsorbiral, medtem ko se je klorpirifos vezal. Pri poskusu z zemljo smo ugotovili, da delež polietilena nizke gostote (light density polyethylene – LDPE) ne vpliva na adsorpcijo klorantraniprola, saj ni bilo statistično značilne razlike med posameznimi odstotki dodanega LDPE. Adsorpcija klorantraniprola je odvisna od vsebnosti polipropilena (PP). Rezultati kažejo, da je bistvena razlika v zadrževanju pesticida v zemlji, če je PP prisoten ali če ga sploh ni. Razprava in zaključek: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je adsorpcija v vodi slabotopnega pesticida večja in da ima mešanje bistven vpliv na adsorpcijo. Z mešanjem je bila v naših poskusih adsorpcija pesticidov manjša. Rezultati naše raziskave lahko pripomorejo k oceni tveganja sočasne izpostavljenosti pesticidom in mikroplastiki. Ker je področje dela novo, je naloga razvojne narave in prinaša pomembne zaključke in podlage za nadaljnje raziskovanje tematike.


magistrska dela;sanitarno inženirstvo;klorantraniprol;klorpirifos;adsorpcija;mikroplastika;umetna odpadna voda;deionizirana voda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [L. Flisar]
UDC: 614
COBISS: 22842115 Link will open in a new window
Views: 698
Downloads: 282
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of a method for determination of pollutants on microplastic particles in water and soil
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Plastic materials are used in agriculture for various purposes (flooring films, irrigation tubes, cords). With time they eventually decompose into smaller particles less than 5 mm. They become the so-called microplastics. Microplastics (MPs) can be transported from wastewater treatment plants to agricultural land using wastewater or/and activated sludge. This allows the microplastics to act as a vector for the adsorbed pollutants present in the treatment plants. Due to the use of pesticides, which play an important role in the control of pests and diseases on agricultural land, microplastics are further exposed to the adsorption of pesticides. Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis was the development of the method for following the adsorption of selected pollutants - pesticides, commonly used on agricultural land, onto microplastics, which is often present in waste waters and activated sewage sludge which is landfilled. We were following the solubility of pesticides in waters containing MPs including changable parameters: type of pesticide, its adsorption, the effect of mixing solutions, exposure to artificial wastewater, and finally the influence of pesticide retention on soil containing microplastics. Methods: The adsorption of two pesticides with different water solubility - chlorantraniprol and chlorpyrifos - was investigated in two different aqueous media: deionized water and artificially prepared waste water. We studied the retention of chlorpyrifos in the soil with respect to the amount of microplastics. The concetration of pesticides was defined applying a high-performance liquid chromatograph. Results: The adsorption of the selected pesticides did not occur in deionized water, so any conclusion was possible regarding the effects of solubility, mixing and light/darkness. In artificial wastewater, well-soluble chlorantraniprole was not adsorbed on MPs while chlorpyrifos was. In the soil experiment, we found that the light density polyethylene (LDPE) did not retained chlorantraniprole, since there was any statistically significant difference between batches. Whereas, the adsorption of chlorantraniprole depends on the content of polypropilene PP, and we found a statistical significant difference between batches containing different percentage of PP. Discussion and conclusion: The study confirmed that the adsorption of less soluble pesticide on MPs is higher and it was proven that the effect of stirring is an important parameter. The results of our research can help to assess the risk of concurrent exposure to pesticides and micro-plastics. As the area of work is new, it is more of development-nature oriented and it brings important conclusions and bases for further research into the topic.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;sanitary engineering;chlorantraniprole;chlorpyrifos;adsorption;microplastics;artificial waste water;deionized water;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo
Pages: 63 str.
ID: 11905770