master's thesis
Asja Trošt (Author), Jasna Hribernik (Mentor), Miha Colner (Mentor)


The master thesis entitled “Engaging Bodies Through Expanded Art Practice” is divided in two parts: the first one is the theoretical part which places socially engaged arts in the time-line of contemporary art, followed by an overview of my practical work entitled “Obsolete Properties”. The central aim of the theoretical part is to determine the structures of socially engaged art projects, with all their ambiguities, caused by the inherent connection between the social and the artistic. Topics of such process-based interdisciplinary and participatory art projects reflect at the same time on cultural traditions as well as on current social issues. The second part is an analysis of the artwork I created and set in different contexts. It consists of common materials that arrived into my hands after their previous owners moved their homes. The artwork celebrates artistic process and environmental sustainability while on the other side serves as an agent on the discourse of values.




Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Publisher: [A. Trost]
UDC: 7.036/.038
COBISS: 23014403 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2760
Downloads: 105
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Angažiranje teles v razširjeni umetniški praksi
Secondary abstract: Magistrska naloga z naslovom Angažiranje teles v razširjeni umetniški praksi je sestavljena iz dveh delov: prvi je teoretični, v njem umestim družbeno angažirano umetnost v zgodovino sodobnih umetnosti. Drugi del je pregled mojega praktičnega dela z naslovom Odvečna lastnina. Cilj teoretičnega dela magisterija je sestaviti pregledno strukturo družbeno angažiranih umetnosti in analizirati mnoge nejasnosti, ki jih spremljajo. Raznolikost pristopov k tem umetniškim praksam opišem skozi pet projektov. Ti večmedijski projekti, ki spodbujajo povezovanje in sodelovanje, odražajo kulturne tradicije in obenem podajajo kritiko trenutnim družbenim razmeram. V drugem delu analiziram svoje umetniško delo, ki ga umestim v različne kontekste. Delo sestoji iz vsakdanjih predmetov, ki so mi jih podarili njihovi bivši lastniki in lastnice, po tem ko so se preselili oziroma zapustili svoje domove. Delo se osredotoča na umetniški proces in okoljsko obstojnost, in obenem deluje kot sredstvo za diskurz o vrednotah.
Secondary keywords: magistrske naloge;umetnost;umetniški objekt;umetniške prakse;socialne prakse;družbeno angažirana umetnost;sodobna umetnost;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Novi Gorici, Akademija umetnosti
Pages: 58 str.
ID: 11908597