diplomsko delo
Maja Lah (Author), Edvard Kolar (Mentor)


Za diplomsko delo z naslovom Analiza poznavanja gimnastike na OŠ dr. Bogomirja Magajne Divača sem se odločila iz dveh razlogov, in sicer, ker sem se z gimnastiko ukvarjala že od svojega drugega razreda osnovne šole in ker me je ta zelo navdušila ter me še v življenju vedno spremlja. Danes kot trenerka športne gimnastike poučujem v Gimnastičnem društvu Divača in kot del krožka še na treh šolah v obalno-kraški regiji (OŠ Sežana, OŠ Hrpelje-Kozina in OŠ Košana). Učencem/-kam želim približati to športno panogo kot pozitivno in zabavno zvrst športa. Učenci/-ke prej niso imeli/-e priložnosti, da bi se s tem športom bolje spoznali/-e in se z njim tudi v svojem prostem času ukvarjali/-e, saj niso imeli gimnastičnega krožka. Gimnastiko so teoretično in praktično spoznavali samo pri urah športne vzgoje. Od leta 2014 naprej so vsakemu otroku ponujene primerne gibalne gimnastične ure. S tem športom se lahko ukvarjajo tako rekreativno kot tekmovalno. Diplomsko delo predstavlja raziskava o poznavanju športne gimnastike na Osnovni šoli dr. Bogomirja Magajne Divača. Podatke sem za raziskovalni del zbrala z anonimnim anketnim vprašalnikom. Ta vključuje enaindvajset vprašanj, ki so sestavljeni iz treh delov. Cilj ankete je ugotoviti, ali otroci poznajo športno gimnastiko, ali obiskujejo gimnastični krožek; bi se morda želeli ukvarjati s tem športom in kako pomembna je za otrokov razvoj. Prav tako sem ugotavljala, kako dobro poznajo gimnastična orodja in gimnastične elemente, ki so jih v vprašalniku prepoznali s prikazanimi ilustracijami.


diplomska dela;športna gimnastika;otroci;osnovne šole;gimnastični elementi;theses;artistic gymnastics;children;primary school;elements of gymnastics;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Lah]
UDC: 796.41 (043.2)
COBISS: 34354947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 342
Downloads: 23
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂanalysis of acquaintance with artistic gymnastics at Dr. Bogomir Magajna Primary School
Secondary abstract: There are two reasons for writing up the present thesis entitled The Analysis of Acquaintance with Artistic Gymnastics at Dr. Bogomir Magajna Primary School. First, because I have been practicing gymnastics since my second grade in elementary school and second, because it has inspired my everyday life and has been part of it up to the present day. As a gymnastics trainer I teach at Divača Gymnastics Society three other schools in the region (Primary School Sežana, Primary School Hrpelje-Kozina and Primary School Košana) as part of an extracurricular activity. I want to bring the sports discipline closer to the pupils as a positive and fun form of sport. Pupils did not have the opportunity to become better acquainted with this sport and to practice it in their spare time, because they didn't have a gymnastics class before. Gymnastics was theoretically and practically only learned at Physical Education. From 2014 onwards, each child has been offeredsuitable gymnastics classes. They can now engage in this discipline both recreationally and competitively. The thesis is a research on the knowledge of sports gymnastics at Divača Primary School. The data for the research part were collected through an anonymous questionnarie, which includes 21 questions divided into three parts. Its goal was to find out if children were acquainted with gymnastics, or whether they wanted to take part in it and how important it is for their development. We also found out how well they knew the gymnastics elements, which they identified by the pictures shown in the questionnarie.
Secondary keywords: Artistic gymnastics;children;Primary School;elements of gymnastics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za športno treniranje
Pages: XI, 50 str.
ID: 11912327