diplomsko delo
Tina Šturm (Author), Aleš Kuhar (Reviewer), Tatjana Pirman (Mentor)


Pri mačkah pogosto prihaja do obolenj spodnjih delov sečil (FLUTD). Težave s sečili, se pogosteje pojavljajo pri kastriranih oz. steriliziranih mačkah, mačkah s prekomerno telesno maso, mačkah, ki jedo le suho krmo ter mačkah, ki se zelo malo gibajo. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil analizirati sestavo različnih krmnih mešanic za mačke s FLUTD, jih med seboj primerjati in ugotoviti, katere so najbolj primerne. V specializiranih spletnih trgovinah smo izbrali 6 suhih krmnih mešanic proizvajalcev Royal Canin in Hill's in jih na podlagi podatkov iz deklaracij primerjali. Pri vsakem proizvajalcu smo izbrali po eno krmno mešanico za odrasle mačke brez zdravstvenih težav, po eno krmno mešanico, s katero preventivno krmimo mačke, ki so podvržene boleznim spodnjih delov sečil in po eno krmno mešanico, s katero krmimo mačke, pri katerih so bolezni spodnjih delov sečil prisotne. Pri obeh proizvajalcih smo ugotovili, da imajo vse 3 krmne mešanice zelo podobno kemijsko sestavo. Pri proizvajalcu Royal Canin, pri vseh treh krmnih mešanicah opazimo presežek surovih maščob in dokaj veliko vsebnost surove vlaknine. Krma Aroma Exigent ima preveliko vsebnost kalcija in fosforja, krma Veterinary Diet Urinary S/O pa preveliko vsebnost natrija. Pri krmnih mešanicah Hill's najdemo presežek surovih maščob, ogljikovih hidratov in vitamina E. Ostale hranljive snovi, navedene na deklaracijah, se v krmnih mešanicah nahajajo v približno enakih in priporočenih količinah.


mačke;prehrana živali;sečila;bolezni;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [T. Šturm]
UDC: 636..8.084/.087(043.2)
COBISS: 23713539 Link will open in a new window
Views: 310
Downloads: 113
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nutrition of cats with lower urinary tract diseases
Secondary abstract: Lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) often occurs with cats. Urinary problems are more common for castrated or neutered cats, overweight cats, cats that eat only dry food, and cats that move very little. The aim of this B. Sc. Thesis was to analyse the composition of different food mixtures for cats with FLUTD, to compare them and to determine which ones are the most suitable. We accessed different specialized online stores, selected 6 dry food mixtures produced by Royal Canin and Hill's and compared them on the basis of the data from declarations. From each manufacturer, we selected one food mixture for adult cats without health problems, one food mixture with which we preventively feed cats prone to diseases of the lower urinary tract, and one food mixture for cats with active diseases of the lower urinary tract. We have found that all 3 food mixtures from both producers have very similar chemical compositions. With Royal Canin, we note the presence of an excess of crude fat and some higher amount of crude fibre in all three food mixtures. The Aroma Exigent food has too much calcium and phosphorus, while the Veterinary Diet Urinary S/O food has too much sodium. With Hill's food mixtures, an excess of crude fat, carbon hydrates and vitamin E is present. Other nutrients, listed on the declarations, were found in approximately equal and recommended amounts.
Secondary keywords: cats;animal nutrition;urinary tract;diseases;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: VII, 25 str.
ID: 11915329
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