diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
Uroš Zupan (Author), Aleš Straže (Reviewer), Dominika Gornik Bučar (Mentor), Bogdan Šega (Co-mentor)


Pri uporabi lesa za konstrukcijske namene, so bistvenega pomena njegove mehanske lastnosti. Ugotavljali smo vpliv gostote in prirastnih značilnosti smrekovine in jelovine na mehanske lastnosti konstrukcijskega žaganega lesa. Raziskavo smo izvajali na elementih dimenzij: 38 x 100 mm, 50 x 150 mm, 44 x 200 mm, 140 x 140 mm in dolžine 4000 mm. S štiri-točkovnim upogibnim preskusom smo elementom določili globalni modul elastičnosti (MOEg) in upogibno trdnost. Prirastne značilnosti smo ocenili vizualno, skladno s standardom SIST DIN 4074-1. Najvišji korelacijski koeficient pri združenih elementih v enotni vzorec, smo dobili med gostoto in MOEg (0,74) in med širino branike in MOEg, (-0,61). Najnižji korelacijski koeficient je bil med upogibno trdnostjo in oddaljenostjo obdelovanca od stržena (0,09) ter med upogibno trdnostjo in deležem kompresijskega lesa (-0,09). Enak korelacijski koeficient je bil tudi med deležem kompresijskega lesa in MOEg (-0,09). Med preučevanimi lastnostmi so za napovedovanje mehanskih lastnosti žaganega lesa najprimernejše gostota lesa in povprečna širina branike.


konstrukcijski les;smrekovina;prirastne značilnosti lesa;širina branike;gostota;trdnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [U. Zupan]
UDC: 630*815:812.7
COBISS: 2669705 Link will open in a new window
Views: 370
Downloads: 94
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of growth properties of spruce and fir on the mechanical properties of structural sawn timber
Secondary abstract: The mechanical properties of wood are the most important when wood is used for constructional purposes. The influence of density and growth characteristics, comparing spruce and fir wood, on mechanical properties of constructions wood were studied. The elements with dimensions 38 x 100 mm, 50 x 150 mm, 44 x 200 mm, 140 x 140 mm with length 4000 mm were used in the study. Global modulus of elasticity (MOEg) and bending strength were determined at standard 4-point bending test. Growth characteristic were evaluated visually in accordance with SIST DIN 4074-1. We got the highest correlation coefficient when elements were placed in one statistical sample, e.g between wood density and MoEg (R = 0.74) and -0.61 between growth ring width and MOEg. The lowest correlation coefficient was achieved at relation between bending strength and distance of element from the pith (R = 0.09) and at correlation between compression wood share and MOEg of the tested elements (R = 0.09). Wood density and mean growth ring width were confirmed as the most reliable variables to predict mechanical properties of spruce and fir wood.
Secondary keywords: construction wood;spruce;fir;growth properties;ring width;density;bending strength;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo
Pages: IX, 33 f., [30] f. pril.
ID: 11928323