diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Eva Kropušek (Author), Mojca Slemnik (Mentor), Janja Stergar (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu je prikazana sinteza magnetitnih nanodelcev, prevlečnih s citronsko kislino, za uporabo v osmotskih procesih čiščenja odpadnih vod. Delci morajo biti stabilizirani v vodnem mediju in imeti morajo visok osmotski tlak. Da bi bili primerni za proces čiščenja odpadnih vod morajo imeti tako lastnost, da bi po čiščenju obdržali dovolj visok osmotski tlak za večkratno uporabo. Magnetne nanodelce železovega oksida (Fe3O4) smo sintetizirali z enostopenjskim postopkom soobarjanja železovih ionov v alkalni raztopini. Na površino magnetita smo vezali citronsko kislino, ki deluje kot površinsko aktivno sredstvo in tvori stabilno disperzijo MND v vodni raztopini. Citronska kislina se na površino delcev veže s kemisorpcijo, pri čemer nastanejo močne kovalentne vezi med funkcionalno skupino citronske kisline in površinskimi hidroksilnimi skupinami magnetita. Nadalje smo preučevali vpliv spremembe količine citronske kisline in vpliv spremembe temperature, pri kateri poteka sinteza, oziroma njun vpliv na osmotski tlak nanodelcev. Hidrofilne MND zlahka ločimo od vodnega toka s pomočjo zunanjega magnetnega polja, vendar se v procesu čiščenja delež citronske kisline, vezane na nanodelce, zmanjša. Delci aglomerirajo, kar zniža osmotski tlak nanodelcev in posledično jakost vodnega pretoka pri procesu čiščenja odpadnih vod. Rezultati osmotskega tlaka kažejo na potencialno uporabo takšnih delcev v osmotskih procesih čiščenja odpadnih vod. Vendar nismo dosegli visoke stabilnosti suspenzije magnetnih nanodelcev, kar nakazuje na možno hitro aglomeracijo delcev pri uporabi v procesu čiščenja odpadnih vod.


magnetni nanodelci;citronska kislina;soobarjanje;osmotski tlak;čiščenje odpadnih vod;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [E. Kropušek]
UDC: 543.2:628.3(043.2)
COBISS: 30023427 Link will open in a new window
Views: 579
Downloads: 115
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Surface functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles (mnp) for use in the osmotic waste water treatment processes
Secondary abstract: The thesis presents the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) coated with citric acid for use in osmotic wastewater treatment processes. The particles must be stable in an aqueous solution and have a high osmotic pressure. They must maintain a sufficiently high osmotic pressure during the wastewater treatment process, to be suitable for multiple use after treatment. Magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide (Fe3O4) have been synthesized by a one-step process of co-precipitation of iron ions in alkaline solution. Citric acid, which acts as a surfactant and produces a stable dispersion of MNP in aqueous solution, was bound to the surface of the magnetite. Citric acid can easily bind to magnetite by a chemisorption process forming strong covalent bonds between functional groups of citric acid and the hydroxyl groups of the surface of the magnetite. We further investigated the effect of changes in the amount of citric acid and the influence of the temperature at which the synthesis was carried out, how exactly this affects the osmotic pressure of nanoparticles. Hydrophilic MNPs can be easily separated from the water stream by an external magnetic field. The problem is that the citric acid content decreases during treatment. The particles agglomerate, which lowers the osmotic pressure of nanoparticles and thus the water flow. The osmotic pressure results indicate the potential use of such particles in osmotic wastewater treatment processes. However, we have not achieved a high stability of magnetic nanoparticle suspensions, which points to a possible rapid agglomeration of the particles when used in wastewater treatment processes.
Secondary keywords: magnetic nanoparticles;citric acid;co-precipitation;osmotic pressure;wastewater treatment processes;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: X, 30 str.
ID: 11960364