diplomsko delo
Barbara Zlodej (Author), Jana Mali (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu raziskujem življenjski svet starih ljudi v domu za stare. V teoretičnem delu predstavim demografske spremembe, institucionalno oskrbo starih ljudi, osamljenost in socialno delo s starimi ljudmi. V raziskavo sem vključila stanovalce doma v Občini Slovenska Bistrica. Ugotoviti sem želela, kako stanovalci razumejo osamljenost, kako jo prepoznajo pri ostalih stanovalcih, ali jo tudi sami občutijo in kako jo premagujejo. Raziskovala sem, kakšno vlogo ima življenje v domu in aktivnost pri zmanjševanju osamljenosti med stanovalci in stanovalkami. Poleg tega me je zanimalo, kakšno vlogo ima socialno delo pri prepoznavanju in zmanjševanju osamljenosti. V kvalitativno raziskavo sem vključila devet oseb, od tega je bilo osem stanovalcev in stanovalk ter ena socialna delavka. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na prisotnost osamljenosti med stanovalci, ki se na različne načine spopadajo z njo. Socialna delavka se zaveda prisotnosti osamljenosti med stanovalci in jim pri zmanjševanju le-te pomaga s pogovori, tolažbo ali spodbudnimi besedami. Predlagam več individualnega dela s stanovalci in upoštevanje njihovih želja. Predlagam tudi več pogovorov o osamljenosti med socialno delavko in stanovalci.


stari ljudje;domovi za stare;demografske spremembe;osamljenost;institucionalna oskrba;socialno delo s starimi ljudmi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [B. Zlodej]
UDC: 364.4-053.9
COBISS: 28573443 Link will open in a new window
Views: 476
Downloads: 87
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Loneliness as a part of aging in a home for older people in the Municipality of Slovenska Bistrica
Secondary abstract: In my diploma thesis, I explore the life of older people in a home for older people. In the theoretical part, I present demographic changes, institutional care for the older people, loneliness and social work with the older people. I included residents of a home in the Municipality of Slovenska Bistrica in the research. I wanted to determine how the residents understand loneliness, how do they recognize it in other residents, whether they feel it themselves and how do they overcome it. I researched the role of living in a home and the activity in reducing loneliness among residents. In addition, I was interested in the role of social work in recognizing and reducing loneliness. I included nine people in the qualitative research, of which eight were residents and one was a social worker. The results of the research show the presence of loneliness among residents who cope with it in different ways. The social worker is aware of the presence of loneliness among the residents and helps them to reduce it through conversations, consolation or with encouraging words. I suggest more individual work with residents and considering their wishes. I also suggest more guided conversations about loneliness between the social worker and the residents.
Secondary keywords: demographic changes;loneliness;institutional care;social work with older people;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (105 str.))
ID: 11961892