
V zadnjih desetletjih je dejavnost Katoliške cerkve postala izrazito dialoška, zlasti v odnosu do muslimanov. Mnogim katoličanom ta cerkvena »politika« ni pogodu. Toda dialog je rezultat premišljene odločitve koncilskih očetov v Vatikanu leta 1965. Dokumenti, ki utemeljujejo medreligijski dialog, so Eclesiam suam, Lumen gentium in Nostra aetate. Koncilski očetje so spoznali, da sta spoštovanje in sprejemanje drugačnih srčika evange-lija in da je samo v dialogu mogoče sobivanje in preživetje. Dovolj je bilo križarskih vojn in preveč pobitih na vseh straneh. Res je, da med nami živi čedalje več muslimanov. Vendar obstaja samo eno orožje, s pomočjo katerega sta lahko obe strani zmagovalki – to je dialog. V našem prispevku smo spregovorili tudi o Dokumentu o bratstvu vseh ljudi za svetovni mir in skupno sobivanje, ki izraža strinjanje papeža Frančiška in velikega imama iz Kaira, da povabita kristjane in muslimane po vsem svetu k delu za mir in medsebojno razumevanje.


katoliška cerkev;cerkveni dokumenti;katoličani;islam;muslimani;medreligijski dialog;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
UDC: 272-67
COBISS: 11041283 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 2335-4127
Parent publication: Edinost in dialog
Views: 375
Downloads: 210
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Catholic foundations of interreligious dialogue
Secondary abstract: In recent decades, the activity of the Catholic Church has become distinctly dialo-gic, especially in its relation to Muslims. For many Catholics, this church »outreach« is not acceptable. Nonetheless, interreligious activities are the result of a deliberate decision by the Fathers at the last Vatican Council in 1965. The documents that founded this dialogue include Ecclesiam suam, Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate. The Council Fathers realized that respect and acceptance of others is the heart of the Gospel, and that only in dialogue lie coexistence and survival. There has been enough of the interfaith wars, the crusades, for example, and too many people have been killed on all sides. The truth is that more and more Muslims live among us. However, there is but one weapon for the both sides to achieve victory, and that is dialogue. This article also introduces the Document on the Brotherhood of All People for World Peace and Common Coexistence which expresses the agreement between the Pope and the Great Imam from Cairo to invite Christians and Muslims throughout the world to work for peace and mutual understanding.
Secondary keywords: Catholic Church;Muslims;interreligious dialogue;Document on the brotherhood of all people for world peace and common coexistence;
Pages: str. 87-97
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ74
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2019
DOI: 10.34291/Edinost/74/02/Osredkar2
ID: 11961898
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