ǂa ǂnew possible theoretical basis for interreligious dialogue
Javad Taheri (Author)


The so-called »theory of I’tibariat«, as formulated by Muhammad Hussein Tabataba’i, is unprecedented in the philosophical and theological tradition of Islamic thinking. »I’tibariat«, i.e. »conventions«, are related to what has been necessitated and conventioned by people. I’tibariat can differ among different groups of people and usually vary from one culture to another, but at the same time, they have some main common aspects. Allamah asserts that many cultural and religious conceptions have their roots in I’tibariat. He explains how these conventions are being made by people in order to fulfil their spiritual and material necessities. This justifies how cultural and religious categories and concepts are different cross-culturally and inter-religiously. The analysis of religious language as a product of ima-ginative power of human intellect can testify that religious diversity is a function of the cir-cumstances of people’s lives. With this explanation, interreligious dialogue can be attained first and foremost on the presumption that mutual understanding is possible through the language which is principally I’tibari.


Allamah Tabataba'i;I'tibariat;interreligious dialogue;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
UDC: 2-67:27/28
COBISS: 11044099 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 2335-4127
Parent publication: Edinost in dialog
Views: 353
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: I'tibariat
Secondary abstract: T. i. teorija I’tibariat, ki jo je zasnoval Muhammad Hussein Tabataba’I, v filozof­ski in teološki tradiciji islamskega mišljenja nima predhodnika. »I’tibariat«, tj. »konvencije«, je povezan s tem, kar ljudje potrebujejo in o čemer so se dogovorili. »I’tibariat« se lahko med različnimi skupinami ljudi razlikuje in se običajno od kulture do kulture razlikuje, hkrati pa ima nekatere skupne vidike. Allamah trdi, da ima več kulturnih in religioznih konceptov svoje korenine v »I’tibariat«. Razloži, kako ljudje ustvarijo konvencije, da zadostijo svojim duhovnim in materialnim potrebam. To pojasni, zakaj so kulturne in religiozne kategorije ter koncepti med kulturami in religijami različni. Analiza religioznega jezika kot produkta imaginativne moči človeškega intelekta lahko pokaže, da je religiozna raznolikost funkcija živ­ljenjskih okoliščin ljudi. S to razlago se lahko medreligijski dialog najprej in predvsem doseže s predpostavko, da je vzajemno razumevanje mogoče skozi jezik, ki je prvenstveno I’tibariat.
Secondary keywords: Allamah Tabataba'i;I'tibariat;medreligijski dialog;dialog med verami;
Pages: str. 99-108
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ74
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2019
DOI: 10.34291/Edinost/74/02/Taheri
ID: 11961907
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