(diplomsko delo)
Uvod: Rak dojk je najpogostejši rak pri ženskah in lahko doprinese resne psihološke posledice. Kirurški poseg na dojki povzroči spremembo telesnega videza bolnic, kar močno vpliva na doživljanje samopodobe. Rekonstrukcija dojke po mastektomiji lahko pozitivno vpliva na kakovost življenja bolnic. Namen zaključnega dela je predstaviti, kako ženske doživljajo samopodobo po rekonstrukciji dojk zaradi mastektomije in kako se soočajo s posledicami rekonstrukcije.
Metode: V empiričnem delu je bila uporabljena kvalitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Izveden je bil intervju z bolnico, ki je imela totalno mastektomijo obeh dojk in se je odločila za odloženo–takojšno rekonstrukcijo obeh dojk. Intervju je bil posnet, dobesedno zapisan in analiziran. Vsaka vrstica v intervjuju je bila kodirana. Kode so bile smiselno kategorizirane glede na posamezna področja. Uporabljena je bila metoda vsebinske analize.
Rezultati: Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima na doživljanje samopodobe po mastektomiji velik vpliv odnos s partnerjem, z družino in spodobnost soočanja z izzivi. Pomembno pa je tudi sprejetje zdravstvenega stanja. Obravnavana bolnica po opravljeni rekonstrukciji dojk zaradi mastektomije pozitivno doživlja samopodobo in se uspešno sooča s posledicami zdravljenja. Zaradi rekonstrukcije dojk ima izboljšano kakovost življenja na psihosocialnem in telesnem področju. Ugotovljeni so bili štirje negovalni problemi, in sicer bolnica navaja občutke žalosti ob soočanju z boleznijo, negativne občutke zaradi brazgotin na dojkah, zmanjšano gibljivost v ramenih in zmanjšane zmožnosti pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih aktivnosti.
Sklep: Rekonstrukcija dojk po mastektomiji uspešno dvigne samopodobo žensk in jim izboljša kakovost življenja na več področjih. Bolnice pridobijo višjo samozavest in izboljšano splošno počutje, kar vpliva na boljši izid zdravljenja in rehabilitacije.
rak dojke;kirurško zdravljenje;rekonstrukcija dojke;samopodoba ženske;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[K. Medlobi] |
UDC: |
618.19-006(043.2) |
Views: |
1051 |
Downloads: |
160 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Experiencing body image in women after breast reconstruction because of mastectomy |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and can contribute to serious psychological consequences. Breast surgery causes a change in the body appearance of patients, which strongly affects the experience of self-esteem. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy can have a positive effect on the quality of life of patients. The purpose of the concluding work is to present how women experience self-esteem after breast reconstruction due to mastectomy and how they face the consequences of reconstruction.
Research methods: In the empirical work was used a qualitative research methodology. An interview was made with a patient who had a total mastectomy of both breasts and opted for delayed-immediate reconstruction of both breasts. The interview was recorded, literally written and analyzed. Every line in the interview was coded and only the codes related to our research problem were kept. It was used the method of content analysis.
Results: It has been discovered that the experience of self-esteem after mastectomy is greatly influenced by the relationship with the partner, with the family and the ability to face challenges. Acceptance of health is also very important. After undergoing breast reconstruction due to mastectomy, the treated patient experiences a positive self-esteem and successfully copes with the consequences of treatment. Due to breast reconstruction, she has an improved quality of life in the psychosocial and physical areas. Four nursing problems were identified, namely the patient reported feelings of sadness when facing the disease, negative feelings due to scarring on the breasts, decreased mobility in the shoulders, and reduced ability to perform daily activities.
Discussion and Conclusion: It has been discovered that breast reconstruction after mastectomy successfully raise women’s self-esteem and improve their quality of life in several areas. Patients gain higher self-confidence and improved general well-being, which results in a better outcome of treatment and rehabilitation. |
Secondary keywords: |
breast cancer;surgical treatment;breast reconstruction;womens self-esteem; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
VI, 25 f., 2 f. pril. |
ID: |
11962783 |