delo diplomskega projekta
Tea Baklan (Author), Robert Horvat (Mentor)


V delu smo se osredotočali na prikaz in izvedbo praktičnega primera posodobitve kmetije skozi nepovratna sredstva iz javnega razpisa za podporo naložbam v kmetijska gospodarstva. Prav tako pa smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je za uspešno kandidaturo potrebna pomoč strokovnjakov. V prvem delu smo na kratko predstavili slovenski Program razvoja podeželja 2014–2020 ter ukrepe, ki se v sklopu le-tega izvajajo. Nato smo opisali postopek pridobitve nepovratnih sredstev. Tega smo izdelali na podlagi naložbe kmetije v izgradnjo dvorišča, krmilnice, silosa in novega hleva za prosto rejo krav molznic z novim molznim strojem ter ostalo opremo. Začeli smo z opisom priprave vloge ter njene obravnave, nadaljevali pa s prošnjami za spremembe in z vlaganjem zahtevkov za izplačilo sredstev. Znotraj vloge smo izdelali poslovni načrt kmetije. Ta zajema opis kmetije in naložbe, analizo trga in dejavnosti, pregled konkurence in trženja ter izdelavo finančne analize vpliva naložbe. Analizo smo izdelali s pomočjo statističnih podatkov. Z rezultati iz bilance stanja in uspeha, ekonomskega toka ter finančnih kazalnikov, kot so neto sedanja vrednost naložbe, interna stopnja donosnosti ter ekonomski učinek javnih sredstev, smo predstavili smiselnost naložbe. Na koncu smo na primeru kmetije opisali obveznosti po zadnjem izplačilu sredstev. Na podlagi izračunanih kazalnikov iz finančne analize smo prišli do ugotovitve, da se naložba kmetije splača. Prav tako pa, da je zanjo najverjetneje potrebna pomoč poslovnih svetovalcev oziroma drugih oseb, ki so kvalificirane za izdelavo vlog in zahtevkov za javne razpise. Vidimo, da njihova pomoč zniža možnost za napake pri izdelavi vloge za pridobivanje nepovratnih sredstev, hkrati pa zviša možnost za končni uspeh kandidature kmetije na razpisu.


razvoj podeželja;kmetije;posodobitev;nepovratna sredstva;finančna analiza;javni razpis;poslovni načrt;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Baklan]
UDC: 339.726:631.1
COBISS: 33599235 Link will open in a new window
Views: 498
Downloads: 59
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Farm upgrading process through grants from the public tender
Secondary abstract: The work focused on the demonstration and implementation of a practical example of modernization of a farm through a grant from a public tender to support investments in agricultural holdings. We also wanted to find out if a successful candidacy requires the help of experts. In the first part, we briefly presented the Slovenian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and the measures it is implementing. We then described the process of acquiring public grants. This was made based on the farm's investment in the construction of a yard, a feeder, a silo, and a new barn for the free breeding of dairy cows with a new milking machine and other equipment. We began with a description of the application process and its grading process, we then continued with requests for changes and the submission of applications for the acquisition of approved funds. Within the application, we prepared a business plan for the farm which includes a description of the farm and the investment, an analysis of the market and activities, a review of competition and marketing, and financial analysis of the impact the investment has on the farm. We made the analysis with the help of statistical data. With the results from the balance sheet and income statement, economic flow and financial indicators, such as the net present value of the investment, the internal rate of return and the economic effect of public funds, we presented the meaningfulness of the investment. Lastly, based on the case of the farm, we described its obligations after the last disbursement of funds. Based on the calculations from the financial analysis, we concluded that the investment of the farm is worthwhile. Furthermore, it most likely needs the help of business consultants or others qualified to prepare applications and requests for funds. We see that their help reduces the possibility of mistakes in the preparation of the grant application, and at the same time increases the possibility of the final success of the farm's candidacy in the tender.
Secondary keywords: Rural Development Programme 2014-2020;business plan;financial analysis;public tender;farm development;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 46 str., 5 str. pril.
ID: 11964462