magistrsko delo
Maruša Cizl (Author), Bojan Musil (Mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati, kako se izraženost osebnostnih značilnosti povezuje z uporom ob prepričevanju. Preverjali smo, ali osebnostne značilnosti napovedujejo pojav učinka bumeranga, kako se upor ob prepričevanju in sprememba moči odnosa do začetnega stališča povezujta s starostjo in spolom ter kako na povezanost med spremenljivkami vpliva izbira socialno bolj ali manj zaželenega začetnega stališča. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 567 oseb iz vse Slovenije, starih od 18 do 86 let, od tega 23 % moških in 77 % žensk. Udeleženci so na podlagi izhodiščnega besedila (Heinzeve dileme) izbrali eno od dveh ponujenih stališč (tj. izhodiščno stališče) in izpolnili osebnostni vprašalnik BFI-K (Rammstedt in John, 2005). Glede na izhodiščno stališče so bili nato izpostavljeni prepričevalnemu sporočilu, na koncu smo preverili tudi spremembo stališča ter spremembo odnosa do stališča (če se stališče ni spremenilo). Rezultati so pokazali, da je pri osebah, ki so izbrale socialno bolj zaželeno stališče in si premislile, bolj izražena sprejemljivost kot pri osebah, ki so se uspešno uprle prepričevanju, ekstravertnost pa se je izkazala za statistično pomemben napovednik učinka bumeranga. Posamezniki, ki so se odločili za socialno manj zaželeno stališče in so se uspešno uprli prepričevanju, so v povprečju starejši od tistih, ki so se prepričevanju uspešno uprli na podlagi socialno bolj zaželenega stališča. V prihodnjih raziskavah bi bilo smiselno vključiti še kontrolo izrabe samoregulacijskih resursov.


magistrska dela;upor ob prepričevanju;učinek bumeranga;sprememb odnosa do stališča;osebnost;sprejemljivost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Cizl]
UDC: 159.923(043.2)
COBISS: 29009155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 402
Downloads: 47
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Resistance to persuasion in relation to personality traits
Secondary abstract: This Master's thesis sought to examine whether, and to what extent, the expression of personality traits is related to resistance to persuasion. It also studied whether personality traits can predict the occurrence of a boomerang effect; how resistance to persuasion and attitude change relate to age and gender; and how these variables are affected by whether the original attitude adopted was more or less socially desirable. The survey involved 567 individuals from across Slovenia, all aged between 18 and 86. 23 % of them were male and 77 % female. The participants were asked to read a text (the Heinz dilemma) and select one of two possible responses to it ("original attitude"). They then completed a BFI-K personality assessment (Rammstedt and John, 2005). Once the participants had adopted their original attitude, they were exposed to a persuasive message. The study then measured any change in their attitude or, where their attitude had not changed, any change in the strength with which they adopted it. The results showed that those who had adopted a more socially desirable original attitude and then changed their mind, had a higher level of agreeableness than those whose original attitude was less socially desirable, and that extraversion was a statistically significant predictor of a boomerang effect. Individuals who had adopted a less socially desirable original attitude and were able to resist persuasion were, on average, older than those who resisted persuasion from a more socially desirable original attitude. It would be worth including an assessment of self-regulatory resources in future studies.
Secondary keywords: master theses;resistance to persuasion;boomerang effect;attitude change;personality;agreeableness;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: VII f., 68 str.
ID: 11964662