diplomsko delo
Anja Vidmar (Author), Vesna Novak (Mentor), Janja Jerebic (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu se osredotočamo na problematiko staranja delovne sile in organizacijske izzive, ki narekujejo sistematičen in celovit pristop k učinkovitemu ravnanju s starejšimi zaposlenimi. Podrobneje smo preučili rezultate primerjalne analize ravnanja s starejšimi zaposlenimi v velikih podjetjih v Sloveniji in ugotovili, da se ključne spremembe v dojemanju starejšega zaposlenega kažejo predvsem v večjemu strinjanju s preučevanimi lastnostmi, ki naj bi veljale za starejše delavce.Podjetja po šestih letih starejšim še vedno pripisujejo veliko delovnih izkušenj, pripadnost in lojalnost delodajalcu ter strokovno znanje. Leta 2014 je bila med štirimi, v povprečju najvišje ocenjenimi lastnostmi tudi »imajo modrost in razum«, danes pa podjetja kot četrto najznačilnejšo lastnost starejših navajajo čut za pripadnost delu. Po drugi strani pa je zaznati bolj ali manj konsistenten vzorec negativnih prepričanj o starejših zaposlenih. Podjetja starejšim zaposlenim še vedno pripisujejo slabo znanje znanja tujega jezika, nizko motiviranost, nizko produktivnost ter pomanjkanje inovativnosti pri spopadanju s težavo. Velika podjetja v Sloveniji se po šestih letih dokazano bolj zavedajo pomembnosti izvajanja prostovoljnih ukrepov, pri čemer pogosteje izvajajo ukrepe vezane na upravljanje z zdravjem na delovnem mestu, izobraževanje in usposabljanje ter kulturo in odnos v podjetju. Napovedi o načrtovanju ukrepov, ki jih organizacije trenutno ne izvajajo, so optimistične in kažejo napredek velikih podjetij v prilagajanju na spremembe. Kljub optimistični napovedi, menimo, da morajo delodajalci in mlajši zaposleni videti širšo vlogo starejših v organizaciji in se bolj zavedati njihovih veščin in sposobnosti, predvsem pa mora družba fokus raziskovanja s starostnih izgub preusmeriti na pozitivne vidike staranja. Prevrednotenje odnosa do starejših zaposlenih in povečanje delovne aktivnosti starejših bo mogoče le ob tesnem medgeneracijskem sodelovanju.


zaposloni;starejši zaposleni;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [A. Vidmar]
UDC: 005.9
COBISS: 35720707 Link will open in a new window
Views: 617
Downloads: 115
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A comparative analysis of the aspects of managing older employees in slovenian large companies
Secondary abstract: This thesis deals with the topic of the aging workforce and the resulting organizational challenges that dictate a systematic and comprehensive approach to the effective management of older employees. An in-depth review of the comparative analysis of the management of older employees in large companies in Slovenia, which we conducted, showed a greater agreement between the large companies and the characteristics studied, which are usually attributed to older workforce. The analysis on which we based our research was published in 2014 and is based on the results we obtained from the repeated survey, even after six years large companies in Slovenia still see older workers as loyal individuals with a lot of work experience and expertise. In previous surveys, companies also broadly agreed that older workers can be described as wise and intellectual, as this was the fourth most common characteristic they attributed to older workers. On the other hand, the fourth most common trait selected from our survey is the sense of belonging in the workplace. Furthermore, we still found a more or less consistent pattern of negative beliefs about older employees. Companies still consider older workers as people with low foreign language skils, low motivation, low productivity, and lack of innovation. Our comparative analysis showed that nowadays companies are more aware of the importance of implementing voluntary preventive measures than they were six years ago, with the most common examples being implementations related to workplace health management, education and training as well as culture and relations within the company. The comparison of the surveys also showed a more positive attitude towards older employers, as there is a lower percentage of companies that do not intend to implement any voluntary preventive measures for older workers in the near future. Despite this positive finding, we believe that there is still room for improvement. Employers and younger workers must recognize the broader role of older employees in the organization and become more aware of their skills and abilities. Above all, it is important to press ahead with the research into the positive effects of older employees on the company, rather than just looking at the loss that is associated with employing older people. The revaluation of the attitude of older employees and increasing their work activity will only be possible through close intergenerational cooperation.
Secondary keywords: older employees;age discrimination;characteristics of the elderly;age management;measures;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VII, 125 f.
ID: 11966793
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