delo diplomskega seminarja
Saša Perko (Author), Darja Boršič (Mentor)


Potrošnja gospodinjstev izraža pomemben makroekonomski kazalnik in kategorijo agregatnega povpraševanja, brez katere proizvodni proces ne bi imel namena obstoja. Potrošnja obstaja v tesnem odnosu z višino razpoložljivega dohodka, pri čemer ločimo med dvema skupinama potrošnikov: gospodinjstvi, ki potrošijo celoten dohodek in tistimi, ki del le tega privarčujejo. Slednji s prihranki vplivajo na pokrivanje proračunskega primanjkljaja države in financiranje investicij. V osnovi potrošnjo predstavimo v obliki funkcije, ki temelji na tekočem dohodku in izraža pozitivno, vendar neproporcionalno povezavo med omenjenim prihodkom in potrošnjo. V dodatku, vpliv višine obrestne mere na potrošnjo ima dolgoročen vpliv na premoženje. Delo diplomskega seminarja se osredotoča na osebno potrošnjo v Italiji in evroobmočju v obdobju od prvega četrtletja 2003 do drugega četrtletja 2018. Z izvedeno ekonometrično analizo smo potrdili, da imata realen razpoložljiv dohodek in realna dolgoročna obrestna mera vpliv na realno osebno potrošnjo, tako v Italiji kot v evroobmočju. V izbranem modelu so izpolnjene 4 predpostavke metode najmanjših kvadratov, prav tako na primeru Italije kot evroobmočja.


ekonometrična analiza;metoda najmanjših kvadratov;potrošna funkcija;osebna potrošnja;Italija;evroobmočje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Perko]
UDC: 330.43:330.567.22
COBISS: 57018883 Link will open in a new window
Views: 405
Downloads: 61
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Econometric analysis of consumption function in Italy and in the euro area
Secondary abstract: Household consumption reflects an important macroeconomic indicator and a category of aggregate demand, without which the production process would not have the purpose of existence. Consumption exists in close relation to the level of disposable income, distinguishing between two groups of consumers: households that consume their entire income and those that save part of the disposable income. The latter, through savings, affect the coverage of the government budget deficit and the financing of investments. Basically, consumption is presented as a form of function based on current income which is expressing a positive but disproportionate link between said income and consumption. In addition, the impact of interest rates on consumption has a long-term impact on assets. The thesis focuses on private consumption in Italy and the euro area in the period from the first quarter of 2003 to the second quarter of 2018. The econometric analysis confirmed that real disposable income and the real long-term interest rate have an impact on real personal consumption in both Italy and the euro area. In the selected model, 4 assumptions of the ordinary least squares method are fulfilled in the case of both Italy and the euro area.
Secondary keywords: econometric analysis;consumption function;Italy;ordinary least squares method;euro area.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 62 str., 24 str. pril.
ID: 11972126