diplomsko delo
Nadja Petrovič (Author), Bojan Struger (Mentor)


Človek potrebuje moč za telesno držo v vseh položajih in osnovno gibanje, kot sta hoja in tek. Uporabljamo jo praktično za vse dejavnosti, pri katerih je potrebno premikati lastno telo ali različna bremena, torej za premagovanje različnih naporov. Izmed vseh oblik vadb za zmanjšanje napredovanja različnih bolezni je prav moč najučinkovitejše sredstvo, saj izboljša aktivno gibljivost in ravnotežje ter pomaga zmanjšati simptome različnih kroničnih bolezni. Za človekovo preživetje je nujno potrebna, zato moramo zanjo skrbeti tudi v pozni starosti. Strokovnjaki ugotavljajo, da lahko s pravilnim treningom vplivamo nanjo prav v vseh življenjskih obdobjih. Pogosto se pojavi vprašanje, kakšen mora biti trening za moč, da se doseže kar največji učinek. Raziskave dokazujejo, da je najbolj učinkovita vadba 2-3 krat tedensko z dnevom odmora med treningi. Pomembno je, da so v vadbo vključene vse mišične skupine. Za najboljše rezultate je potrebno 8-12 ponovitev vsake vaje v enakomernem tempu, vaje pa moramo izvajati v več serijah s krajšimi odmori, med katerimi se udeleženci raztezajo, oz. sprostijo tiste mišice, ki so bile med vadbo najbolj obremenjene. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti različne metode za razvoj moči, pri čemer je izpostavljen predvsem namen opisanih metod in cilj mišičnih skupin, ki jih želijo vadeči izboljšati. Za lažje razumevanje naštetega vsebuje diplomsko delo tudi opis sestave in delovanja mišice ter mišičnih skupin.


diplomska dela;moč;hitra moč;maksimalna moč;vzdržljivost v moči;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Petrovič]
UDC: 796.015.52:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 57622787 Link will open in a new window
Views: 481
Downloads: 74
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Methods for strength development
Secondary abstract: People need and use body power in all situations. It is used for practically all activities, in which we need to move our body or manoeuvre different tools and weights; in other words, we use it for overcoming any kind of effort. Among various forms of exercises for preventing different kinds of disease progression, it is precisely the body power that is the most effective approach. It improves mobility and balance which helps to decrease symptoms of different diseases. Body power is essential for our survival and is therefore important to cherish it also in late adulthood. Experts observe that with the correct exercises we are able to impact and maintain the body power in any period of our life. Frequently the question arises about what kind of exercises we need in order to achieve the biggest impact on body power. Research shows that the most effective training is 2-3 times per week with one day of break in between the training days. It is also important that the training targets all muscle groups. For the best outcomes, the exercise needs to be repeated at the same pace from 8 to 12 times. Exercises must be practiced in succession with short breaks in which the individual should do stretches and relax the muscles, which were most used during the exercise. The aim of this thesis was to present different methods leading to the development of body power with special emphasis on describing the intention of the exercise and muscles targeted. For ease of understanding, the thesis includes also the anatomy and the description of the muscles and main muscle groups.
Secondary keywords: theses;body power;maximum power;endurance power;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za športno treniranje
Pages: XI f., 48 str.
ID: 11977511