delo diplomskega projekta
Urška Fištravec (Author), Vesna Čančer (Mentor)


Namen dela diplomskega projekta je predstaviti in rešiti problem »Najem in izbira stanovanjskega kredita«. Problem smo reševali z metodami ustvarjalnega razmišljanja ter z metodami večkriterijskega odločanja. V teoretičnem delu dela diplomskega projekta smo predstavili izhodišča za metode ustvarjalnega reševanja problemov, in sicer za definiranje problemov smo obravnavali tehniko W, tehniko šestih vprašanj, ribjo kost in miselni vzorec. Za generiranje idej smo predstavili morfološko analizo. V okviru metod večkriterijskega odločanja smo opisali računalniški program Web-HIPRE. Predstavili smo tudi teorijo kredita, stanovanjskega kredita ter ugotavljali, kako vpliva epidemija zaradi bolezni COVID-19 na povpraševanje po kreditih. Nakup ali obnova doma je ena največjih investicij v življenju vsakega posameznika. Zaradi pomanjkanja lastnih finančnih sredstev se posamezniki obrnejo na kreditne inštitucije s prošnjo o najemu stanovanjskega kredita. Vendar izbira stanovanjskega kredita lahko predstavlja problem, zato smo v praktičnem delu dela diplomskega projekta problem reševali z zgoraj navedenimi metodami in prišli do veliko uporabnih rešitev. S pomočjo programa Web-HIPRE smo ugotavljali, katera od bank Nova KBM, Abanka in NLB nudi najugodnejši stanovanjski kredit ob določenih pogojih.


banke;krediti;stanovanjski krediti;ustvarjalno mišljenje;večkriterijsko odločanje;metode;epidemija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [U. Fištravec]
UDC: 336.77:519.85
COBISS: 33692675 Link will open in a new window
Views: 680
Downloads: 223
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Creative problem solving methods in the process of housing loan selection
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the diploma project is to present and solve the problem of "Renting and Selection of a Housing Loan". We solved the problem with the methods of creative thinking and with the methods of multi-criteria decision-making. In the theoretical part of the diploma project, we presented the starting points for the methods of creative problem-solving. For defining problems, we discussed the W technique, the six-question technique, the fishbone diagram, and the mind mapping. To generate ideas, however, we presented the morphological analysis. Within the framework of the methods of multi-criteria decision-making, we described the computer program Web-HIPRE. We also presented the theory of credit, housing credit, and were ascertaining how the COVID-19 epidemic affects the demand for loans. Buying or renovating a home is one of the biggest investments in every individual’s life. Because of the lack of their financial resources, individuals turn to credit institutions with a request to drawdown a housing loan. However, the choice of a housing loan can be a problem. In the practical part of the diploma project, therefore, we were solving the problem with the methods mentioned above and discovered many useful solutions. With the help of the Web-HIPRA program, we were ascertaining which of the Nova KBM, Abanka, and NLB banks offer the most favorable housing loan under certain conditions.
Secondary keywords: banks;methods of creative thinking;housing loan;multicriteria decision-making;Web-HIPRE;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 47 str.
ID: 11979551