diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Melani Svetec (Author), Miroslav Žaberl (Mentor)


Osebni omejevalni ukrepi zavzemajo posebno mesto v kazenskem postopku, saj posegajo v pravice in svoboščine domnevnih storilcev še preden jim je dokazana krivda. Zaradi tega morajo biti zgolj izjema in ne pravilo. V Zakonu o kazenskem postopku so opredeljeni v XVII. poglavju z naslovom Ukrepi za zagotovitev obdolženčeve navzočnosti, za odpravo ponovitvene nevarnosti in za uspešno izvedbo kazenskega postopka. To je tudi njihov primarni namen, saj se jih odredi ravno s tem namenom, da se zagotovi nemoten potek kazenskega postopka in odpravi nevarnost, ki jo domnevni storilec predstavlja za izvedbo postopka ali varnost ljudi. Nadalje se osebni omejevalni ukrepi delijo na prisilne in prepovedne, glede na prevladujočo vsebino. Pod prisilne ukrepe tako spadajo obljuba obdolženca, da ne bo zapustil prebivališča, javljanje na policijski postaji, varščina, prepoved približanja določenemu kraju ali osebi, hišni pripor in pripor. Med prepovedne ukrepe pa štejemo odvzem potne listine, začasni odvzem vozniškega dovoljenja in začasna prepoved opravljanja določnega dela. Ukrepi se razlikujejo glede na intenzivnost, zato je potrebno upoštevati, da se ne uporabi strožjega ukrepa, če se da isti namen doseči z milejšim. Prav tako se ukrepi odpravijo po uradni dolžnosti, če prenehajo razlogi, ki so jih narekovali. Ukrep, ki brez dvoma najgloblje posega v svoboščine in pravice je pripor. V diplomski nalogi so tako podrobneje predstavljeni vsi osebni omejevalni ukrepi, pogoji za njihovo uporabo, postopek odločanja o njih in njihova zakonska ureditev. Med drugim je analizirana tudi odločba Ustavnega sodišča U-I-18/93, s katero je sodišče podalo temeljni pogled na omejevalne ukrepe in je nosilna odločba za področje pripora. V diplomskem delu smo med drugim ugotovili, da so osebni omejevalni ukrepi urejeni nesistemsko in netransparentno, kar predstavlja nevarnost pretiranih posegov države v pravice posameznika.


diplomske naloge;osebni omejevalni ukrepi;pripor;človekove pravice;Zakon o kazenskem postopku;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Svetec]
UDC: 342.7(043.2)
COBISS: 26465795 Link will open in a new window
Views: 544
Downloads: 96
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Personal restrictive measures
Secondary abstract: Personal restrictive measures occupy a special place in criminal proceedings, as they encroach on the rights and freedoms of the alleged perpetrators even before their guilt is proven. For this reason, the use of these measures should be the exception rather than the rule. They are listed in the Criminal Procedure Act in chapter XVII, entitled Measures to ensure the presence of the defendant, to eliminate the risk of recidivism and for the successful conduct of criminal proceedings. This is also their primary purpose, as they are ordered precisely for the purpose of ensuring the smooth running of criminal proceedings and eliminating the danger posed by the alleged perpetrator to the conduct of the proceedings or people’s safety. Furthermore, personal restrictive measures are divided into coercive and prohibitory, according to the predominant content. Coercive measures include the defendant's promise not to leave the place of residence, reporting to the police station, bail, a restraining order that prevents them from approaching a certain place or a person, house arrest and detention. Prohibitory measures include the revocation of a travel document, the temporary suspension of a driving license and the temporary ban on performing a certain type of work. Measures vary in intensity, so it should be considered that a more stringent measure should not be applied if the same purpose can be achieved with a milder one. Measures shall also be lifted ex officio if the reasons that led to them cease to exist. The measure that undoubtedly the most interferes with freedoms and rights is detention. This diploma thesis thus presents in detail all personal restrictive measures, the conditions of their use, the decision-making procedure that leads to their use and their legal regulation. Among other things, the decision of the Constitutional Court UI-18/93, in which the court gave a basic view of restrictive measures and presents the main decision regarding detention, is also analyzed. In the thesis, we found, inter alia, that personal restrictive measures are regulated in a non-systematic and non-transparent way, which poses the risk of excessive state interference with the rights of the individual.
Secondary keywords: personal restrictive measures;detention;human rights;Criminal Procedure Act;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 41 str.
ID: 11983443
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