perspektiva rejnic
Maruša Jazbec (Author), Nina Mešl (Mentor)


Rejništvo, kot eden izmed možnih ukrepov s strani države za zaščito otrok, ki začasno ne morejo živeti v svoji matični družini, je tudi v Sloveniji poznana praksa. V osnovi naj bi bilo kratkotrajno, otrok v času trajanja rejništva živi zunaj matične družine, v rejniški družini, celoten proces pa vodi center za socialno delo. Rejnice se kot vsi ostali v procesu rejništva srečujejo z mnogimi izzivi in potrebujejo dodatno podporo in pomoč. Srečujejo se namreč z vzgojo otrok in sodelovanjem z njihovo matično družino, hkrati pa so strokovni sodelavci centrov za socialno delo. Ker so rejnice ene izmed osrednjih členov, ki skrbijo z dobrobit otroka v rejništvu in izvrševanje samega namena rejništva, sem se odločila, da raziščem njihov pogled na ohranjanje odnosov med otrokom v rejništvu in njegovo matično družino. Vprašanja v empiričnem delu raziskujejo pogled rejnic na vzdrževanje odnosov z matično družino otroka v rejništvu. Raziskava vsebuje vprašanja, ki se dotikajo doživljanja sodelovanja z matično družino in vpliv samih odnosov na otroke ter kako so vse to zaznale rejnice. Vsebuje pogled rejnic o njihovi vlogi pri spodbujanju in vzdrževanju stikov otrok v rejništvu z matičnimi družinami, med drugim pa se dotakne tudi virov podpore in pomoči, ki je rejnicam na voljo, ter same ocene dela socialnih delavk na centrih za socialno delo. Menim, da lahko sodelovanje z matičnimi družinami zelo pozitivno vpliva na celoten proces rejništva, kadar je to za otroka varno.


rejništvo;rejniška družina;rejnice;otroci;matična družina;vzdrževanje stikov;odnosi;socialno delo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [M. Jazbec]
UDC: 364-782.42
COBISS: 31012355 Link will open in a new window
Views: 329
Downloads: 64
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Relationship between children in foster care and their parents
Secondary abstract: Foster care, which is a state measure to protect children who cannot live with their biological family for a certain period, is a well-known practice in Slovenia as well. Foster care is supposed to be a short-term process: during foster care, children live with an alternative family, separated from their biological family, and the entire process is led by a centre for social work. As other parties involved in the process, foster mothers face many challenges, where they need additional support and assistance. They must raise children and collaborate with their biological family as well as with representatives from the centre for social work. As foster mothers are a central element in taking care of children in foster care and accomplishing the purpose of foster care, I decided to examine their views on maintaining relationships between children in foster care and their biological family. The questions of the empirical part examine the views of foster mothers on maintaining relationships between children in foster care and their biological family. The research is comprised of questions addressing how collaborating with biological families and impact of these relationships on children is perceived by foster mothers. The research also presents the views of foster mothers on their role in encouraging and maintaining contact between children in foster care and their biological family. It also discusses financial recourses, available to foster mothers, and presents the evaluation of social workers from centres for social work. I believe that collaboration with biological families very positively affects the entire process of foster care as long as children are not in danger.
Secondary keywords: foster care;foster mothers;relationships;children in foster care;biological family;social work;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (116 str.))
ID: 11983452